The level of arterial blood pressure is determined by the cardiac output and resistance of the vascular bed. Normally, blood pressure is about 120/80 mmHg, but these numbers can change during even one day. Blood pressure may be affected by a variety of factors such as positive or negative emotions, time of the day (thus, blood pressure usually decreases at night and rises in the morning), physical activity, diseases (diabetes, certain cardiac, thyroid, adrenal and renal disorders) and even by the weather. One should know these factors in order to be able to control his blood pressure and keep it on a healthy level.
Blood pressure is the pressure inside the blood vessels, it promotes blood circulation all over the cardiovascular system and thus ensures metabolic processes in the body tissues. The numbers of blood pressure depend on individual characteristics, lifestyle and occupation of a person. Normally, it is about 120/80 mmHg. But these numbers change with age, they increase during physical activity or because of emotional stress.
However, in spite of significant fluctuations in blood pressure, our body has complex mechanisms that regulate its level. These regulation mechanisms tend to return the pressure to its normal values once the action of provoking factors is over. In some cases, these mechanisms might break down and that leads to blood pressure changes. Persistently high blood pressure is called hypertension whereas persistently low – hypotension. There are quite a large number of factors that affect blood pressure, let’s discuss some of them.
Factors causing high blood pressure
Factors causing low blood pressure
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