Halibut With Roasted Garlic And Wild Mushrooms
Asthma is a chronic condition marked by periodic attacks of wheezing and difficulty in breathing. The cause of asthma attacks is partial obstruction of the bronchi and bronchioles due to contraction of the muscles in the bronchial walls. Whereas with bronchitis, you have constant wheeziness until you recover from the disease, with asthma, attacks come and go and there are wide variations in the degree of obstruction at different times
1 whole garlic bulb,

unpeeled1 tablespoon sherry vinegar1 tablespoon water2 shallots, mincedI tablespoon olive oil½ cup sliced shiitake or other available mushrooms3 Italian tomatoes, diced1/8teaspoon black pepper¾ cup stock or white winejuice of 1 lemon2 cloves garlic, crushed¼ teaspoon dried thyme4 halibut steaks (6 ounces each)Roast the garlic bulb at 400°F for 10 to 15 minutes. Break the bulb into cloves. Peel three of the cloves, chop, and place in a medium bowl. (Reserve the remainder for another use.) Add the vinegar, water, and shallots. Whisk in the oil. Add the mushrooms, tomatoes, and pepper. Set aside. In a large pot, combine the stock or wine, lemon juice, crushed garlic, and thyme. Bring to a boil. Place the halibut on a steamer rack in the pan. Cover and steam for 7 to 10 minutes. Remove from the pan. (Reserve the steaming liquid for another use.) Divide vegetables among four dinner plates. Top with halibut steaks. * Cocoa reduces symptoms of lactose intolerance. That means some of the people who are lactose intolerant can drink chocolate milk with fewer unpleasant symptoms, such as bloating and cramping. * The cocoa in chocolate milk does not bind calcium, as once thought, so you can enjoy your chocolate treat and still reap the full benefit of the calcium. * It's not true that all the alcohol used in cooking evaporates. In tests sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 5 to 85 percent of the alcohol was retained in food after heating. * Canola oil contains a kind of fatty acid that's converted in the body to eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), which is a type of health-promoting fat abundant in certain fish oils. * Ounce for ounce, cranberries have twice as much total dietary fiber as apples-and black currants contain four times as much. * Tabbouleh contains three times as much fiber per serving as a tossed green salad. * Cooked brussels sprouts, corn, zucchini, pintos, lima beans, raw cauliflower, and fresh currants all have as much cholesterol lowering soluble fiber per! cup as does cooked oatmeal. * Ounce for ounce, kale contains more bioavailable calcium than the calcium champ itself, milk. * A potato has almost double the potassium of a banana.