High calorie protein – the need of the hour

Jul 16


Jenny Jonson

Jenny Jonson

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Health and physical sanctity has taken a backseat in recent times on account of the perpetual rise in stress levels and hectic schedules.


Health and physical sanctity has taken a backseat in recent times on account of the perpetual rise in stress levels and hectic schedules. Priorities have shifted from body and soul maintenance to nurturing of bank accounts and fixed deposits. Individuals have lost track of the dire consequences of unhealthy eating habits and have adopted oily fatty foodstuff as a source of energy. But on the contrary,High calorie protein – the need of the hour  Articles the fast food and street snacks have the least amount of vital nutrients that boost our energy levels to get rid of fatigue and overcome any body deficiencies. Instead, a balanced diet must essentially consist of high calorie proteins like eggs, meat, cheese or lentils like an assortment of beans, for building up the cellular metabolism and muscle build up. Our muscles are crucial to protect the body from sudden shocks and tissue injuries, thus diminishment of proteins could result in vital damage or even at times fatal consequences.

With overloaded calendars at their disposal, individuals fail to consume a well balanced meal consisting of adequate proportions of proteins, starch, minerals and vitamins. As a substitute for a full fledge diet supplements are available to counter balance the depravities the body experiences. Especially for vegans, the protein availability is quite minimal, hence to make up for the discrepancies of protein in the diet, nutritionists suggest protein supplements that are available off the counter. Scientifically protein is said to be thermogenic, which means it is a highly complex food element and the body needs to works 30% more to digest it. Thus, a high protein diet helps in the high metabolism and aids in weight loss due to burning of excess fat. Owing to its vitality, nutrition companies have manufactured supplements in powdered form which requires less prep time and efforts to consume.

The body is under constant stress because of the excessive depletion of cells and to recover from the loss, presence of high calorie proteinis necessary to enhance the nourishment of the body. The necessity of this form of protein has surged tremendously as people are shifting to veganism and consumption of meat and eggs, which happen to have the maximum protein content, has decreased to a substantial extent. Individuals fail to grasp the concept of the fact that a well balanced lifestyle is the sieve that filters the impurities and utilises the vital elements to uplift the functionalities on the whole.

Protein supplements are available in all chemists and online health websites to promote the necessity of the constituent and induce it in our daily health manual. To absorb high calories proteins, a sufficient amount of lentils and meat have to be consumed. The advantage of frequent consumption of this kind of proteins also help in weight loss and muscle enhancement, hence to shape and structure the body it is absolutely vital to include it as a part of the diet. It is necessary to understand our body is a primary toolkit to survival, and high calorie proteinis one of its tools that needs to be used wisely to tighten the loss ends.