Did you know that it is possible to get a trial pair of color contact lenses absolutely free of charge? Find out how you can get a free trial pair - or even several pairs - of beautiful color contacts.
Did you know that it is possible to get a trial pair of color contact lenses absolutely free of charge? Find out how you can get a free trial pair - or even several pairs - of beautiful color contacts.
Large color contact lens manufacturers have to compete for your attention. Some of them are even willing to give you a free trial color contact lenses, hoping that you will like the lenses and stick with the brand. Currently, you can get free pairs of Acuvue 2 Colors and Freshlook color lenses.
Many people search for free color contacts online; unfortunately it is not this simple. All contact lenses - including color and special effect lenses - are medical devices, so you can't just order a trial pair and have them delivered to your home without having a doctor's prescription
However, there is a way to get a free pair. First, go to the official site of the contact lens manufacturer. There you will find a link that says "try for free", or something like that. You will have to fill in a form, but the company will either mail or e-mail you a certificate, that allows you to get a trial pair of color lenses from your eye doctor. If it is an e-mail, you will have to print the certificate.
With the certificate in hand, make an appointment with your eye doctor, to get your prescription and a trial color lenses. Make sure to ask in advance if this particular doctor has heard of color lens certificates and can give you a trial pair.
Tip: print 2 certificates for different brands of color contacts and ask the doctors for two pairs so you can compare the comfort and look.
When discussing, with your doctor, what brand of color contacts would be best for you, make sure to go for a popular brand, which you can order from online contact lens shops. Some doctors tend to prescribe brands that you can only order through their office. While there might be a good reason for the arrangement, an optometrist's motivation can often be simply to monopolize your custom. Unfortunately, you would probably have to pay 3 or 4 times more than if you were prescribed a popular brand of color contacts, which you can buy online.
After you get your trial pair of color lenses, wear them for a few hours. Look in a mirror under different light conditions - you will be amazed how different your eyes will look under the sunlight, compared to interior lighting. You should try your new lenses for comfort as well as a good look - watch some TV, try reading a phone book (usually the smallest type) and see how well your eyes feel when you work with your computer. Typically, you can wear a trial pair for a few days.
If your trial lenses look good under different lights and feel comfortable, then it is time to order yourself a box of these lenses. When you buy color contacts online, the prices are quite affordable.
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