Premature Ejaculation Facts - 4 Things About Premature Ejaculation You Should Know!

Dec 23


Charles Wealth

Charles Wealth

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“What is the best treatment of premature ejaculation?” Any man asking this isn’t satisfied with how long he last in bed. How is it that you are unable to last for more than 2 minutes when having sex? It's frustrating, isn't it? You feel embarrassed about this condition. Being able to bring a woman to orgasm is the pride of any man. Before we begin examining what make a good treatment of premature ejaculation, it’s imperative that we first know exactly what premature ejaculation is and if you are a premature ejaculator.

There are a lot of misconceptions about premature ejaculation. A number of men who are suffering from this situation haven’t been able to find a solution to it. That’s because you can’t cure a condition without actually knowing what causes it. Understanding the factor behind premature ejaculation is the first step to take in order to prevent the situation. Continue reading to find out some premature ejaculation facts.

Fact #1 – Am I suffering from premature ejaculation?

This is a frequently asked question by most men. They don’t really know if they have premature ejaculation. The fact is that,Premature Ejaculation Facts - 4 Things About Premature Ejaculation You Should Know! Articles you can’t jump into conclusion that you have premature ejaculation simply because you don’t have a staying power of up to an hour in bed. Premature ejaculation takes place in a situation whereby you ejaculate too early than your partner or you want you to.

I know how frustrating and devastating it is for you to have early ejaculation and thereby not being able to give you partner an enjoyable sex.  You don’t have to worry about this, because in most cases there is no medical reason to explain it. Even more exciting is the fact that, this problem is temporary and not permanent. There are a number of effective techniques to permanently stop the problem of premature ejaculation.

Fact #2 - Why do I have early ejaculation?

Normally, this condition is caused by two factors.

1. Genetic Programming - This is the major cause of premature ejaculation. Our minds have been programmed with the wrong information about sex. There is a common notion that, sex is not meant for pleasure but rather for reproduction. This genetic conditioning has resulted to the problem of premature ejaculation among men. You see, you are not to be blamed. You are only a product of the information you have been programmed with for years.

2.  Overly Responsive Nervous System: This is another factor that results in premature ejaculation among men. As a result of this fact, the problem of premature ejaculation is more common among younger men because their nervous system is extremely sensitive to sexual sensations. You will get better as you grow older.

The good news about this is that unlike older men, the younger men are less prone to erectile dysfunction because of their responsive nervous system.

Fact #3 – Should I seek help from a doctor?

The simple answer is NO. However, it will be a good idea to go to a doctor just to be sure that you are medically okay. Nevertheless, there would be no need to fret if your problem can be solved by a simple antibiotic.

Fact #4 - How can I satisfy a woman even with premature ejaculation?

The time a woman takes to reach an orgasm varies from one woman to another. Some women may take 5 minutes to reach an orgasm, while other may take 15 minutes to get to an orgasm. Understanding your partner is the key to giving her an enjoyable sex. Some women can get to an orgasm through foreplay or oral sex. There are a number of ways to make your woman reach a climax before the actual penetration!