Three Easy Ways To Eliminate Stress Forever

Jun 5


Heather Quetzel

Heather Quetzel

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Stress has gotten a bad rap lately. It's difficult towatch TV, or read the paper without being exposed tosociety's perception of stress, which is negative. Stresshas been blamed for health issues ranging from asthma toheart disease.


Realistically,Three Easy Ways To Eliminate Stress Forever Articles stress is a "good" thing, and like anythingelse, the human body can only be exposed to it inmoderation. Certain types of stress can be inspiring andcan motivate people. It can create new opportunities forlearning. Actually, creating a new outcome, just like innature. For example, it's the stress of heat, pressure, andtime which turns coal into a diamond.

The hustle and bustle of an environment affects chemicalsin our bodies, which help us to rise to the occasion, andhelp us by becoming more effective and productive. Thechallenge arises when the "hustle and bustle" becomes a wayof life. When our body is exposed to these chemicalsconstantly over a period of time, our physical structurecan actually become harmed, ultimately affecting both ourphysical, emotional and mental health. Having pressure inyour life will not kill you. The problem is when there is notime allowed for relaxing, and getting away from a stressfulsituation.

The solution is learning to take time-out to care foryourself. Taking a break from life's daily pressures canhelp you to be happier, healthier and endly, moreproductive.

Eliminate all should's, and have to's from your life. Thatmay seem impossible and yet, looking at everything on your"To Do List" and really determining what is it that you willhave...if you do this particular item. If your energy doesnot shift upward when imagining the outcome, cross it off.If the reason for doing it, is to avoid some "negativeoutcome", re-evaluate the things to which you arecommitting.

In other words, the most important question you can askyourself to destress your life is, "Does this activityreally serve and/ or support me to BE happy?" And then,check in with your feelings.

Another great, evaluating question is, "What is reallyimportant at this moment?" And look at your desires. Inother words, what is it that you want to have (happen), as aresult of taking this action?

One more example of relieving pressure is, instead ofallowing others to dictate how you spend your time, practicemaking your own decisions and actually, designing your day.Taking these new actions, step by step and one day at atime, you will create a new life.

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