Veneers: A Simple Solution

Dec 23


Andrea Avery

Andrea Avery

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If you are looking for something special to give to someone in your life that has always had difficulty with their smile, consider giving them the gift of veneers. Read on to learn more.

Veneers are an easy smile solution. If you or someone you love worries about their smile,Veneers: A Simple Solution Articles a visit to a cosmetic dentist’s office could be just the thing to solve smile woes. A cosmetic dentist can give you or your loved one advice on how they can straighten, whiten or polish their smile.

One of the easiest forms of cosmetic dentistry is the porcelain veneer. These are simple pieces that are placed on the teeth covering up staining or straightening or resizing teeth that have been pushed back due to over or under bites. Veneers are a quick solution for people that have not had luck with orthodontics or other forms of dentistry.

Of course, some people discuss professional whitening when it comes to updating a smile. Whitening done by a dentist, cosmetic dentist or staff member is rather effective at updating a smile. Whitening can make you look and feel younger, erasing years of coffee-drinking stains. If you are a smoker, whitening is a great way to reverse years of tobacco stains.

Whitening can only go so far, though. Beaching your teeth won’t necessarily solve all your smile troubles. If your teeth are a bit crooked or have a gap, it is quite possible that you want to go bigger than whitening to correct your very visible teeth. Besides, bleaching isn’t a permanent solution to your tooth problems. You will need to keep up with the whitening process.

There is always the option of orthodontic work or retainers. These are very good ways of permanently straightening your teeth. Orthodontics and retainers can indeed straighten your smile. They do so with a long process; however, not everyone has time or money to devote to years of braces. Some people are not sure that the image of someone with braces is one that they fit.

If you feel you need to have straighter teeth to enhance future job prospects or just to feel more confident, but fear that braces or retainers are not a good fit for you, then you should think of veneers. The porcelain veneer is a very quick solution for straightening teeth or enhancing your smile. The entire process is usually done in a couple of visits to a dental office.

First your teeth are sized, and you and your dentist discuss the color of veneer you wish to purchase for your new smile. During the same visit or perhaps in another visit, your dentist will carefully prepare your permanent teeth for the fitting of the veneer. During your final visit, your dentist will adhere the new porcelain to your teeth. He or she will explain how to best care for them and you are on your way.

Veneers really are that simple. You are fitted for them and they are permanently adhered and you are on your way. Talk to your dentist about the possibility of having cosmetic dentistry. Cosmetic dentistry may be the perfect solution for your smile.