The Golden Scales of Balance

Mar 5




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From the name itself, meezan which came from the Arabic word meaning balance, is where the meezan art couture was built upon, balancing art from fashion.


Have you ever heard of a clothing line that has a balance for its name? If not,The Golden Scales of Balance Articles then you haven’t even heard of the clothing line meezan. Confused? Well here is a little information about the meezan art couture.

Now as we all know, balance as a word that has a lot of meaning or definition. But if put the word balance in a word that describes all, then balance means two or two entities working together in unison, benefiting from each other.

And perfect example of balance is the between predator and prey. Too many predators will lead to the extinction of the prey and this will also lead to the extinction of the predator. Too many preys will lead to their source of food being stripped away to fast leading to the extinction of the prey and this will also lead to the extinction of predators. This is the reason why balance is very important in our world.

This is what inspired the founders of meezan art couture, to integrate the true meaning of balance in their clothing line. From the name itself, meezan which came from the Arabic word meaning balance, is where the meezan art couture was built upon, balancing art from fashion.

The meezan art couture was established by Philadelphia natives named Mark Allen, Kenya Abdul-Hadi, Ibn Anderson, and Bariq Combs. They are the original pioneers of the mass production of hand-painted apparel that revolutionized the way the urban community works.

The meezan art couture has quickly grown from a niche of specialty one of a kind clothing piece, into a full lifestyle clothing brand specializing in the innovative designs and graphics.

There are a lot of clothing shops out there that provides this one-of-a -ind clothing lines, but if you want a more convenient way of purchasing some of those meezan art couture, then the best way would be the internet. And among the best online clothing shop in the US is the Streetzwear online clothing shop.

For more information about the meezan art couture, then visit