Harnessing Serendipity: A Strategic Approach to Increasing Your Luck

May 3


Steven Gillman

Steven Gillman

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Discover how to strategically increase your luck through simple, research-backed exercises designed to expand your social network and expose you to new opportunities. This method isn't just about making more friends—it's about making the right connections that can lead to unexpected and fortunate discoveries.


Understanding the Science of Luck

Research into the nature of luck has often highlighted the role of human behavior in what many perceive as random chance. A study by Professor Richard Wiseman of the University of Hertfordshire,Harnessing Serendipity: A Strategic Approach to Increasing Your Luck Articles who has extensively researched the phenomenon, suggests that people who consider themselves lucky often share common traits. These include a strong network of connections and a tendency to maximize opportunities from these networks.

The Power of Diverse Connections

Contrary to popular belief, it's not just close friends who can significantly impact our luck, but rather acquaintances and even brief interactions with strangers. A pivotal study highlighted in the Journal of Organizational Behavior found that over 50% of jobs were secured through personal connections. Interestingly, 83% of these connections were categorized as weak ties—people seen only occasionally or rarely (Granovetter, 1973). This suggests that your next big opportunity is more likely to come from a distant acquaintance than from a close friend.

Expanding Your Network: A Practical Exercise

To leverage this insight, you can engage in a simple yet effective networking exercise:

  1. List Diverse Contacts: Create a list of people you know from different sectors and backgrounds. Avoid listing people from the same workplace or industry. For example, include a local business owner, a teacher, a tech enthusiast, etc.
  2. Gather Contact Information: Ensure you have up-to-date contact details for each person on your list.
  3. Engage Regularly: Make a conscious effort to reach out to at least one person from your list each month. This could be through a phone call, a coffee meet-up, or even a social media message.

Why This Works

This exercise pushes you to step outside your usual social circles and tap into new networks, each rich with unique opportunities and insights. By maintaining a diverse network, you increase the likelihood of encountering novel information and opportunities, which is a key driver of what we perceive as luck.

Making Luck Work for You

Implementing this strategy requires minimal effort but promises significant rewards. Here are a few tips to ensure success:

  • Be Genuine: When reaching out, ensure your interactions are genuine. People are more likely to share opportunities with someone they feel a real connection with.
  • Stay Consistent: Regularly update and review your contact list. Life changes and so do people’s networks.
  • Be Open to Opportunities: Approach each interaction with an open mind. Even a casual conversation can lead to unexpected opportunities.


While luck may seem elusive and purely chance-based, research and data suggest that strategic actions can significantly enhance your likelihood of encountering lucky breaks. By expanding and diversifying your network through simple, deliberate actions, you can open doors to new possibilities that would otherwise remain closed. Start today, and watch as the seemingly random forces of luck begin to tilt in your favor.

For further reading on the science of luck and networking, consider exploring the works of Professor Richard Wiseman or reviewing the seminal research on the strength of weak ties by Mark Granovetter.

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