What Do You Really, Really, Really Want?

May 3


Damien Senn

Damien Senn

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Understanding and pursuing our deepest desires is perhaps one of the most pivotal aspects of personal development. The iconic 90s British pop group, the Spice Girls, famously captured this sentiment in their hit song with the line, "now tell me what you want, what you really, really want?" This catchy phrase not only dominated the airwaves but also subtly emphasized a profound life lesson: the importance of recognizing and articulating our desires.

The Essence of Desire

A desire represents more than just a fleeting wish; it is a profound yearning that can dictate the direction of our lives. The strength and clarity of our desires often play a crucial role in whether we achieve what we want. It's a concept that might stir debate,What Do You Really, Really, Really Want? Articles yet there's an undeniable truth to it—if there's a genuine, burning desire to alter our reality, we're more likely to take the necessary actions to make it happen.

Understanding What You Want

  1. Identify Your Desires: It's startling how many people go through life without truly understanding what they want. This lack of clarity is often the biggest hurdle to achieving fulfillment. Realizing and acknowledging your desires is the first step towards a more fulfilled life.

  2. Articulate Your Desires: Once your desires are clear, the next step is to express them. Imagine being in a restaurant and choosing a meal without informing the waiter; how would you get what you want? Similarly, it's vital to communicate your aspirations to those around you. This not only sets the stage for achieving your goals but also invites others to offer support.

  3. Expect Fulfillment: Cultivating a mindset of expectation is crucial. Just as you expect your order to be served in a restaurant, you should also expect your desires to manifest in life. This proactive mindset can significantly influence the outcomes you experience.

The Role of External Influences

It's important to recognize that various external forces such as employers, governments, financial institutions, and even our social circles can significantly influence our life choices. Often, these entities might project their desires onto us, which can cloud our personal aspirations. Staying true to our own desires requires constant vigilance and the courage to pursue our own paths despite external pressures.

The Price of Success

Achieving what we desire often comes at a cost. Whether it's time, effort, or resources, we must be prepared to invest in our goals. Success is rarely handed to us; it's usually the result of hard work and sacrifice. Understanding and accepting the costs associated with our desires is essential for real progress.


In conclusion, knowing and pursuing what we truly want is not just about achieving specific goals but about leading a more satisfying and directed life. By understanding our desires, articulating them, and expecting their fulfillment, we set ourselves on a path to genuine fulfillment. Remember, if life isn't serving you what you desire, don't settle—strive for what you deserve.

For further insights into personal development and achieving your desires, consider exploring resources from well-established sources like Psychology Today or Harvard Business Review.

In the journey of life, understanding and pursuing our desires is not just a luxury but a necessity for true fulfillment.

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