4 Types of Employee Training You Need to Implement Right Now

May 3


Brunetti Brunetti

Brunetti Brunetti

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Unlock productivity and foster a positive workplace culture with these essential training programs. From resilience workshops to anti-bullying measures, discover how implementing these strategies can transform your business environment, regardless of your location or industry.

Introduction to Essential Employee Training

In today's fast-paced business world,4 Types of Employee Training You Need to Implement Right Now Articles maintaining a productive and harmonious workplace is more crucial than ever. Companies across the globe, from Melbourne to Ottawa, are recognizing the profound impact that strategic employee training can have on their operations. Whether it's combating decreased productivity or addressing underlying tensions, the right training programs can not only resolve these issues but also propel your company forward.

The Power of "Lunch and Learn" Workshops

Lunch and Learn sessions are an innovative way to integrate training into the busy schedules of your employees. These sessions can cover a wide range of topics, including:

  • Change Management: Equip your staff with the tools to handle organizational transitions effectively.
  • Career Planning: Offer insights into potential career paths and skills development within the company.
  • Technical Skills: Update your team on the latest technologies relevant to their roles.

According to a LinkedIn report, over 58% of employees prefer to learn at their own pace, and 49% want to learn at the point of need. Lunch and Learn workshops cater to these preferences by providing bite-sized, relevant training during a common break time, making them highly effective and engaging.

Building Resilience and Managing Change

Resilience training is crucial in helping employees manage stress and adapt to change smoothly. These workshops focus on developing skills such as:

  • Emotional Regulation: Teaching employees to manage their emotions effectively.
  • Stress Management: Techniques to handle workplace stress before it becomes overwhelming.
  • Adaptive Thinking: Encouraging a mindset that embraces rather than fears change.

Statistics from the American Institute of Stress indicate that job stress is the primary source of stress for American adults and that it has escalated progressively over the past few decades. Implementing resilience training can mitigate these issues significantly, promoting a healthier, more dynamic workplace.

Tackling Workplace Bullying and Harassment

Workplace bullying and harassment remain significant issues, with studies showing that about 75% of employees surveyed had been affected by workplace bullying, as reported by Forbes. Training in this area is designed to:

  • Identify Bullying Behavior: Help employees recognize the various forms of bullying and harassment.
  • Promote Intervention Strategies: Teach staff how to intervene safely and effectively.
  • Foster a Supportive Culture: Encourage a workplace environment that values respect and inclusivity.

Implementing these programs not only improves workplace relationships but also enhances overall productivity and employee satisfaction.

Strategic Career Planning

Investing in your employees' career development is mutually beneficial. By offering training that enhances their career trajectory, you also enhance your organization's skill set and efficiency. Career planning could include:

  • Skill Development Workshops: Such as advanced certifications or industry-specific technologies.
  • Leadership Training: Preparing promising candidates for future leadership roles.
  • Performance Management: Helping employees understand and meet their performance goals.

According to LinkedIn's 2020 Workplace Learning Report, 94% of employees would stay at a company longer if it invested in their career development. This statistic underscores the importance of career planning in employee retention and satisfaction.


Implementing these four types of training—Lunch and Learn workshops, resilience and change management, anti-bullying and harassment, and career planning—can profoundly impact your company's culture and productivity. Each program not only addresses specific workplace issues but also contributes to a more robust, engaged, and skilled workforce. By prioritizing these training initiatives, businesses can ensure a more dynamic, supportive, and successful workplace.

For further reading on the importance of workplace training, consider visiting Harvard Business Review and Forbes for in-depth articles and studies.