10 Ways to Develop Your Intuition

Apr 26


Susan Dunn, coach

Susan Dunn, coach

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Unlock the power of your inner voice with these ten effective strategies to enhance and trust your intuition. From creating a conducive environment to seeking expert guidance, learn how to tap into this innate capability that can guide you through life's decisions.


Understanding Intuition

Intuition is often described as a gut feeling or a sixth sense that guides us in making decisions without the need for conscious reasoning. According to a study by the University of Leeds,10 Ways to Develop Your Intuition Articles intuition can play a crucial role in decision-making, especially when time is limited or information is incomplete. This innate ability is not just mystical; it's a cognitive process that can be honed and developed with practice.

Strategies to Enhance Your Intuitive Abilities

1. Create a Conducive Environment

To effectively tap into your intuition, it's essential to cultivate a space where you can be calm and undistracted. This could be a specific room in your home or a spot in nature where you feel at peace.

2. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation

Engaging in regular mindfulness practices or meditation can significantly improve your intuitive abilities. A study published in the journal Psychological Science found that mindfulness meditation increases connectivity in the brain networks responsible for attention and sensory processing.

3. Keep a Journal

Recording your thoughts, feelings, and the outcomes of your intuitive choices can help you recognize patterns and trust your intuition more. This reflective practice can enhance your self-awareness and confidence in your intuitive judgments.

4. Use Imaginative Play

Engage with your creative side through activities like drawing, writing, or role-playing. This can help loosen up your logical mind and allow your intuitive insights to surface.

5. Set a Routine

Establishing a regular routine for practicing intuitive exercises can reinforce this skill. Choose a specific time each day to sit quietly, reflect on a question, and observe the responses that come without effort.

6. Start with Small Decisions

Begin by using your intuition for small, low-risk decisions to build your confidence. As you notice your intuition leading you in the right direction, you can gradually start trusting it with more significant decisions.

7. Learn to Recognize Your Intuitive Signals

Each person experiences intuition differently; it might come as a physical sensation, an emotional feeling, or even a visual cue. Pay attention to how your intuition speaks to you.

8. Surround Yourself with Intuitive People

Intuition can indeed be contagious. Spend time with others who value and actively use their intuition. This can provide a supportive environment that encourages you to trust and use your own intuitive abilities.

9. Avoid Confusion with Fear

It's crucial to differentiate between intuitive signals and feelings of fear or anxiety. True intuition should come with a sense of certainty and clarity, not discomfort or confusion.

10. Seek Guidance from a Professional

Consider working with an intuition coach or a mentor who can provide feedback and guidance. This can help you understand and navigate the nuances of your intuitive experiences.


Developing your intuition is a valuable endeavor that can enhance your decision-making and lead to a more fulfilling life. By incorporating these strategies into your daily routine, you can more effectively harness this powerful internal guidance system. Remember, like any skill, intuition requires practice and patience to develop.

For further reading on the science of intuition and its impact on decision-making, visit the University of Leeds' research page or explore the Psychological Science journal.