7 Easy Ways To Instantly Improve Your Public Speaking

Apr 26


Dr. Sander Marcus

Dr. Sander Marcus

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Master the art of public speaking with these seven straightforward strategies that can transform your delivery and captivate your audience. Whether you're a seasoned speaker or a novice, these tips, rooted in decades of expert observations, will enhance your speaking skills and ensure your message is both heard and remembered.

Slow Down Your Speech

Many speakers,7 Easy Ways To Instantly Improve Your Public Speaking Articles including professionals, tend to speak too quickly during presentations. Slowing down can make a significant difference. According to a study by the National Center for Voice and Speech, the optimal rate of speech for clear comprehension is about 150 words per minute, whereas the average conversational rate is about 180 words per minute (source). By consciously slowing down, you allow your audience to better absorb and reflect on what you are saying. This might feel unnatural at first, but listening to a recording of your speech can reveal the clarity brought by a slower pace.

Increase Your Volume

A common issue among public speakers is not speaking loudly enough. Projecting your voice can feel like you are yelling, but in reality, it ensures that everyone in the room can hear and engage with your presentation. Audio recordings of your speeches can be useful to evaluate if your volume is appropriate for the setting.

Enunciate Clearly

Clarity in speech is primarily achieved through the crisp pronunciation of consonant sounds. These sounds help distinguish one word from another, aiding in the listener's understanding. Overemphasizing these sounds might feel exaggerated but will significantly enhance the intelligibility of your speech.

Keep Sentences Short

Simplicity is key in public speaking. Long, complex sentences can lose an audience's attention and make the speech difficult to follow. Breaking down your speech into shorter sentences ensures that each point is concise and retains the audience's attention. This approach aligns with writing best practices where one idea per sentence is recommended.

Utilize Pauses Effectively

Instead of filling spaces with "umms" and "ahhs," embrace pauses. Strategic silence can be powerful, giving the audience time to digest your points and creating suspense for what’s next. Although it might feel uncomfortable, these pauses are generally perceived positively by the audience.

Structure with Bullet Points

Organize your speech around three to five main points. This structure prevents rambling and helps maintain the audience's focus. It also aids in recall, as the audience is more likely to remember key points when they are clearly defined and reiterated.

End with Impact

Always save the most compelling or important point for the end of your speech. Concluding with a strong message ensures that your speech leaves a lasting impression and ends on a high note. This technique leverages the psychological principle of the recency effect, where people tend to recall the last items in a series best.

By incorporating these seven strategies into your public speaking, you can enhance your effectiveness and ensure your audience is engaged and impacted by your presentations. Whether addressing a small meeting or a large conference, these tips are invaluable for anyone looking to improve their public speaking skills.