Will the Real Christ Jesus Please Stand Up?

Apr 26


B. Weiser

B. Weiser

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Exploring the profound concept of "Accepting Christ" and its implications on personal identity and spirituality, this article delves into the transformative journey of recognizing Christ within oneself. It challenges readers to rethink their spiritual status and embrace a deeper, immortal relationship with divinity as outlined in the New Covenant established 2,000 years ago.


Understanding the Concept of Accepting Christ

"Accepting Christ" is a phrase often heard in religious circles,Will the Real Christ Jesus Please Stand Up? Articles but its depth and implications can be profound and life-changing. At its core, accepting Christ involves a recognition and affirmation that Christ is not only a presence outside us but a defining part of our innermost being. This realization can fundamentally alter our perception of self and our relationship with the divine.

The Shift from Mortal to Immortal

The New Covenant, as described in the Christian Bible, marks a pivotal shift from the Old Covenant's focus on mortality and a prescribed set of laws to a new phase where humanity is invited to partake in divine immortality. This covenant, believed to be sealed by the blood of Jesus Christ, suggests that through Christ, humanity can transcend mortal limitations and engage with God on a more profound and eternal level.

Key Biblical Reference

  • Colossians 1:27 - "To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory."

The Real You: Christ Within

The idea that "Christ in you is the real YOU" challenges the traditional views of self and identity. It suggests that before any formal acceptance of Christ, there is an intrinsic, perhaps dormant, divine element within each person. Recognizing this can be a transformative mental and spiritual shift, leading to a reevaluation of one's purpose and existence.

The New Covenant: A Paradigm Shift

The transition from the BC (Before Christ) era to the AD (Anno Domini) era symbolizes more than just a temporal change; it represents a theological and existential transformation where humans are seen not just as followers of divine commands but as participants in divine nature.

From Mortal to Divine Interaction

Under the Old Covenant, the relationship between humans and the divine was mediated through laws and sacrifices, a system that was both complex and exclusive. The New Covenant, however, offers a direct and personal relationship with God, unmediated by the rituals that characterized the old ways.

The Role of the New Covenant Ark

Unlike the Ark of the Covenant in the Old Testament, which was a physical manifestation of God's presence and covenant with Israel, the New Covenant does not rely on such physical symbols. Instead, it is believed that through Jesus, the covenant is written on the hearts of believers, making it a more personal and internalized covenant.

Personal Implications of Accepting Christ

Accepting Christ goes beyond theoretical acknowledgment. It calls for a personal and communal transformation that impacts how individuals view themselves and their interactions with others.

Theological and Practical Outcomes

  • Identity Transformation: Recognizing Christ within changes one's identity from merely human to part divine.
  • Behavioral Changes: This new identity encourages behaviors that reflect divine attributes such as love, mercy, and justice.
  • Community Impact: On a communal level, this understanding promotes a more inclusive and compassionate society.

Conclusion: Embracing the True Self

In summary, accepting Christ is not just a ritualistic affirmation but a profound acceptance of the divine within, which redefines one's identity and existence. This acceptance challenges believers to live out the truths of the New Covenant, embracing an immortal relationship with God and reflecting His nature in the world.

Understanding and embracing this identity in Christ is central to Christian faith and spirituality, offering a pathway to a deeper, more meaningful engagement with the divine and with one another.

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