Just Do It!

Jun 2


Joe Searle

Joe Searle

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This is an article simplifying what you need to do become a true action taker and become someone who acts instead of reacting.


Stop Kidding Yourself,Just Do It! Articles JUST DO IT!

In my opinion, this is the best tagline from any business in the world, Nike have got it dialed in a treat. But what has it got to do with anything regarding building a business online, or life in general?

These words could mean anything to a wide range of people, everyone would have a different view on what it means. So let me tell you what it means for me..

Lets start from scratch here, my vision is to be able to build a legitimate business online, leveraging new technology, to allow me to do what I want, when I want, with who I want as much as I want. But the as much as I believe I have the perfect system to do this with, it makes no difference if I don't use it!

How many people have you heard talk the talk, instead of getting up and doing it? Its crazy, I am very passionate about what I do, but when I hear people saying they want to be this, or they want to do that, all they are doing is reinforcing the fact that they want something, but they sure as hell aren't going to get it. They are programming their minds to give up or procrastinate, meaning that its going to get harder and harder to get themselves going, it is the mother of all barriers to peoples success. So what should people be doing?


Its not hard and before you go and buy another of those iffy audio tapes that tell you to visualize what you want and it will come to you, think about what building a business is all about. Its the hard graft, its the late nights on the laptop or the phone, its the waking up at 6 AM to check your emails and blast out a few to your subscribers, or writing a blog post every day. Consistent action is the only thing that will guarantee you success in the long run, even if it takes failure after failure, obstacle after obstacle, in the end you will reach your goal.

Now obviously there is more to it than that, but let me tell you, its not some B.S visualization routine, its about knowing what you want and having the balls to go and get it. If you have a strong vision or why factor, you are already 99% there, the other 1% is working your ass off until you get to where you want to be.

So when I say just do it, I mean it in terms of when you finish a long day running your brick and mortar business, or in some cases your day job, you come home and you know you should bash out a quick video to your growing subscriber list, or perhaps you need to tweak your advertisements slightly, you don't just sit in front of the TV and relax. It means you get off your arse and do what you need to do.

You don't ask whether you want to do it or whether you should, you just do it. How many times have you questioned yourself and invariably ended up backing out of something? It happens all the time because people are not driven enough to succeed in their life. Do yourself a favor right now and just agree, that you will no longer ask whether you feel like doing something, instead you will just go and do it.

If you don't start the ball rolling, how do you expect to keep the momentum. When it comes down to it, the rich get richer and the poor, more often than not get poorer. Except for those few who decide that they are worth more and get up and do something about it. Those who experience success, continue to do so, through the inertia of experiencing that success. Someone who makes 100,000, will often do the smart thing and invest a large % back into the business, to continue seeing growth, gaining more momentum and drive to do better. Every success has a small beginning, so start building that success with consistent action and just DO IT.

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