Cheap Digital Camera Accessories Worth Buying

Jan 13




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Some of the latest digital cameras today come with a high price. It's okay to invest in the newest model if you have more than enough cash. At least you're sure you have a quality product that can stay with you for a long time.


Lens pen - With this tool,Cheap Digital Camera Accessories Worth Buying Articles you don't have to bring your lens cleaning kit or your fluids and papers. This lens pen alone already has a microfiber disk at the end that features a dry lens cleaner. Its other end has a retractable brush.

To clean your lens, all you need to do is brush it lightly to remove the dust and rub the disk on the lens to get rid of fingerprints, spots and smudges. A simple twist can already go a long way.

Cloth bag of rice or beans - If bringing a tripod is kind of bulky for you, an alternative is to get this cloth bag containing rice or beans. This works well and very simple to use. Just put your camera on top of the cloth bag and point it to where you want to take your images. You can easily empty the bag if you don't want to carry much weight on your camera bag when traveling. Just fill it again with beans or rice when you're ready to shoot.

LED flash light - This is a dual-purpose and inexpensive tool. Apart from serving as a flashlight to let you see your way at night, this device can also act as an off camera flash. The LED light is bright enough to make your images stand out even in the dark. Its estimated price is $20 for LED Maglite.

Bulb blower - This will help you blow off the dust and dirt on your lens before you do the wiping. Grains can cause scratches on your glass lens if you're not very careful. But with this bulb blower, you don't even need a brush and it's very cheap at only $10.

Flash diffuser - You can use this tool that's readily available or you can get a wax paper to soften the effect of your camera's built-in flash. The flash diffuser normally comes in a white translucent material and is available in different styles. Its purpose is to diffuse light so that your images don't come out too bright.

Lens cap - Not all lens cap work perfectly for the Cheap Digital Camera it is made for. But you can always change it and getting a Nikon lens cap is a good idea. The Nikon cap has pinchable sides and a center you can also pinch to remove or replace it on the lens. It's available in different sizes and is very cheap. Having a lens cap that's easy to use is a better option than having one that is difficult to remove or replace.

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