Clinically Proven and Safe Remedies for Hot Flashes

May 21


Harlan Mittag

Harlan Mittag

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Hot flashes, a common symptom of menopause, can be both uncomfortable and disruptive. With hormone replacement therapy (HRT) now linked to serious health risks, many women are seeking safer alternatives. This article explores clinically proven and safe remedies for hot flashes, delving into both hormonal and herbal options, and highlighting the latest research findings.

Understanding Hot Flashes

Hot flashes are sudden feelings of warmth,Clinically Proven and Safe Remedies for Hot Flashes Articles often accompanied by sweating and a subsequent chill. They can last from 30 seconds to over 10 minutes and may cause red blotches on the skin. These episodes can be disorienting and are often followed by anxiety, nervousness, and nausea.

Symptoms and Experiences

Hot flashes vary widely among women. Some experience mild episodes, while others find them debilitating. They can occur a few times a week or up to 20 times a day. Here’s a personal account from one woman:

"All of a sudden, I feel an intense surge of heat moving up through my body to my neck and face. My face gets red, and beads of sweat form on my forehead and temples. Soon, my entire body seems drenched with a cold sweat. Often, my heart races, and I feel dizzy or nauseous. Different variations on this theme happen many times a day, more than 10 times a day."

Hot flashes often begin when menstrual periods are still regular or just starting to become irregular. They are frequently the first sign of approaching menopause and can start 2 to 5 years before menopause. About 75% of women over age 50 experience hot flashes, and 10% continue to have them for up to 10 years after their periods stop.

Triggers to Avoid

Certain factors can trigger hot flashes. Avoiding these can help reduce their frequency and severity:

  • Hot environments: Being in a hot climate or room
  • Hot drinks: Consuming hot beverages
  • Warm clothing: Wearing too warm clothing
  • Caffeine: Found in coffee, tea, colas, and chocolate
  • Stress: Emotional or physical stress
  • Exercise: While exercise can trigger hot flashes, being in good shape can make them less likely
  • Large meals: Eating large meals or eating too quickly
  • Spicy foods: Consuming spicy foods
  • Alcohol: Drinking alcoholic beverages

Remedies for Hot Flashes

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

HRT was once the go-to treatment for hot flashes. However, research has shown that it significantly increases the risk of breast cancer, heart disease, and other health problems (source). As a result, many women are now seeking safer alternatives.

Herbal Remedies

Herbal remedies containing phytoestrogens have been explored as alternatives to HRT. However, they have not provided the same level of relief. Recent clinical research has highlighted the benefits of an herbal extract from Europe called Siberian rhubarb root (ERr 731).

Siberian Rhubarb Root (ERr 731)

ERr 731 has been shown to match the benefits of HRT in relieving hot flashes. Clinical studies have demonstrated that HRT can reduce hot flashes by 75%, while ERr 731 can reduce them by 72% (source). This makes Siberian rhubarb root extract the most effective non-hormonal remedy discovered to date.


With the risks associated with HRT, finding safe and effective remedies for hot flashes is crucial. Siberian rhubarb root extract (ERr 731) offers a promising alternative, providing significant relief without the associated health risks. By understanding triggers and exploring herbal remedies, women can better manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

Interesting Stats

  • Prevalence: 75% of women over age 50 experience hot flashes (source).
  • Duration: 10% of women continue to have hot flashes for up to 10 years after menopause (source).
  • Effectiveness: HRT reduces hot flashes by 75%, while ERr 731 reduces them by 72% (source).

By staying informed and exploring safe alternatives, women can navigate menopause with greater ease and comfort.