Bio Diversity

May 13


Max Weber

Max Weber

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As we have seen the changes that happened during the semester are very visible. As the nature awakes from winter season the changes occur not just with climate but also with flora and fauna.


Because of the obvious differences of season times,Bio Diversity Articles the changes that occur in the transitional period (from winter hibernation to summer) can be easily watched and registered.

As we have started our observations in February, we already have been able to see the weather and nature changes. As the temperature increased, the snow melted and the flora awaked from hibernation. Even so that the soil was yellowish and there was no grass the trees began to change. The buds on the trees were getting bigger, and their dark color was a confirmation of metabolism that started when temperature became stable above freezing. As it was noticed this process of preparation lasted for a month and only in early March obvious changes began to occur. The explanation is not just the increased temperature but sunny and longer days. As it’s known the sun light is essential for growth because it stimulates the process of photosynthesis in plants that is essential for growth. These changes also promoted changes in the wild life. With the warmer days not only green grass and leaves began to appear but also animals and insects as well.

As we see the connection of all the species in the wild nature stimulates and makes to awake one another. With getting warm as the flora began to awake and the increase of sun light the insects began to appear because they depend upon flora in their nutrition habits, that stimulated the activity of bigger animals from frogs and other amphibians to different mammals as squirrels, mice and raccoons.

Moreover as the weather became warmer and stable the local nature surrounding enriched by some migrating species as turkey vultures, European starlings and others.

As we observe biological diversity in the forest we do also admire and amaze by the ways that this entire species adopted for the environment. It’s not just enough to mention that they go into hibernation in winter time, when the vegetation is impossible because of unfavorable climate conditions, but also it’s interesting to observe the ways that wild species adopted for the environment. Vine plants as ivy use other trees to climb and get the lack of sunlight and use trees as the sources of their nutrition, other plants have different types of leaves and structure that helps then to adapt to the lack of sun and to be protected from animals by some kinds of thorns. Living creatures use mimicry to survive in the environment. Basically it’s the color of the body and ability to pour in the surrounding to be invisible for predators. Most of mammals as mice, squirrels and other animals change their body color to be invisible in the environment for their animals.

Most of species have anatomical particularities that help them in hunting. For example frog has sticky tongue, which it uses in hunting the mosquitoes and other insects. Squirrels that eat mostly vegetative food have strong and big teeth for breaking nuts.

Another way of adaptation is socialization. To the difference to many other species, wasps and hornet live in colonies, with every member having his own duties. They settle in nests which are done from different materials basically pieces of grass, leaves and tree’s bark which they glue with saliva. Wasps, hornets and bumble-bees have a good protection against their enemies it’s their sting. To the difference to bees they don’t die after they sting but are able to use their sting while alive.

A good example of adaptation to the environment of the wood is a raccoon (procyon iotor), which is spread in the most part s of the USA and in the northern parts of Mexico. Raccoons are mostly settled in the woods and rarely live far way from water resources. They are mostly active at night time and that’s why are seldom noticed at daytime. In the cold period of the year they make holes, mostly for sleeping, rest and hiding from danger, but they don’t go into hibernation during winter time. Most of their food is grapes, berries, insects or crayfish, they seldom hunt bigger species. Raccoons can be also thought to be one of the most successfully adopted animals in the urban life, using drain systems to move unnoticed. Raccoons have five toes on their feet which are very helpful for climbing trees and hunting, moreover the most highly developed sense that raccoon has is the sense of touch.

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