Remarkable Business Card Designs

Sep 6


Martha D. Killian

Martha D. Killian

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A great marketing campaign is a crucial aspect of any business, regardless of type, nature, and size.


A good marketing campaign is a crucial aspect of any business,Remarkable Business Card Designs  Articles regardless of type, nature, and size. When a business is able to carry out an effective marketing strategy, it can easily create demand for the products or services it offers. This in turn will gather profitable customers who are likely to stay loyal throughout the duration of the business.

One good marketing tool to use is business cards. As the tool that creates the first and last impression to prospective customers, a well designed business card is important to any business. But because every other business is trying to stand out in the market with their business cards, it is important that you create your own creative and distinctive business card.

There are actually several ways to make a business card more captivating and interesting. Some of them are the following:

Double sided business card. It’s important to make use of both sides of your card. Not only does it provide you greater space to put your information, but it also allows you to make a good impression with the extra design you can put in your business cards. Double sided cards also allow you to offer added value in your cards such as printing a discount coupon or free gift item at the back.

Using shard or rounded edges. When designing your business card, focus should not only be on the color, images, and texts, but also on the shape of the card. If you want to convey a warm, relaxed, and friendly feeling to your target customers, then go for rounded edges. But if you want to project a structured, firm, and serious images, then stick with the sharp edges.

Brochure business card. You can always turn your business card into a mini brochure. Fold the card into two to give you ample space with which to print you contact details and list your products and services. A brochure card will do more than just provide contact details to your prospects to easily encourage them to keep your business card.

Accordion business card. This type of card provides you a lot of space to print your contact details. With enough room in the design, you can put as much information as you want in the card. This type of design though requires careful consideration on the thickness of the paper used as a heavy paper stock will be too thick to fold and put in a business card holder. The accordion style is also quite expensive to produce, so be sure you budget can afford it before doing the design.

Folded business card. When your contact details don’t fit into your standard business card printing, you can always use a folded card. This type of card folds into half to give you more space to print your contact information and allow you to put something unique in your card. This is a bit affordable than accordion business card, so you can easily fit it into your budget.

These are just some of the ways to design your business card. There are other ways you can do to make an impact through your business cards. You can try using different materials, paper type, and shape. Whatever design you choose, just make sure that it will effectively convey the message and image you want your customers to have of you.

For more easy and useful ideas on how to make unique and winning cards to start up your marketing campaign, visit: business cards.