Oil Change Coupons Keep Your Car Going For Less

Oct 10


Antoinette Ayana

Antoinette Ayana

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Thinking of being a super hero for your car? What does it mean to be responsible for a vehicle anyway? Find out how some sage advice and some oil change coupons can keep your vehicle on the road for a very long time.

Uncle Ben once said that with great power comes great responsibility. Don't know what he was talking about? Well,Oil Change Coupons Keep Your Car Going For Less Articles whatever. However, maybe he somehow knew of your secret calling to preserve the life of people's cars and to save them some money at the same time. Or maybe he just likes to spout off silly little sayings that actually have no meaning whatsoever. On the other hand he did always seem to know what was up. And, after all these years of taking good care of you and Aunt May, you thought maybe he had a method to his madness. It did seem a little strange that Uncle Ben always had those oil change coupons busting out of his thirty year old wallet. Maybe you could be a superhero for your car and save it from an awful fate, like a busted engine block.

What was with all these oil change coupons anyway? How many can one person hold onto and for how long? You know your car only needs a lube job every three thousand miles anyway. So, it makes you wonder didn't these offers have expiration dates? Maybe Uncle Ben had a little problem with hoarding. Or, maybe he wanted to give them out as gifts for friends. But, he did have a point about great power and responsibility.

Having a car is a huge responsibility. But, on the other hand that is not so bad when you think about where a car can take you. You have to have a reliable vehicle to get to school and work. And, if you want to go to the library after school or even to a cage fight to jump start your super hero career, a car is an absolute must. After all, you don't want to rely on your Uncle Ben for everything. Oh, and don't forget that you're really cute neighbor loves to get rides to and from school, so having a good reliable car is really where it's at. Maybe being responsible isn't such a bad thing.

So, maybe Uncle Ben had a point after all. You know, if you collect all these coupons and take good care of your car then you will have it for years to come. But, then you think to yourself, 'am I ready for all this responsibility'. The answer is most likely 'yes'. It is a natural feeling to shy away from the experiences that make a person more mature. But, who knows, can anyone really argue with good advice, especially when it comes to your car. Maybe Uncle Ben has a dream for you. Just think about how this could actually change your life. Some oil change coupons and a dream, and before you know it you could be everyone's friendly neighborhood lube man.