Ride Your Bike Safely and Superbly

May 30


Emily Smith

Emily Smith

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Motorcycle training in Alberta is crucial for ensuring safe and proficient riding. This article delves into the importance of comprehensive motorcycle training before obtaining a license, highlighting the benefits and essential skills gained from such programs. With rising gasoline prices, more people are opting for two-wheelers, making formal training even more critical. This article provides detailed insights, statistics, and expert tips to help you ride safely and confidently.


The Growing Popularity of Two-Wheelers

In recent years,Ride Your Bike Safely and Superbly Articles the popularity of two-wheelers, such as mopeds and scooters, has surged due to escalating gasoline prices. According to Statista, global motorcycle sales reached approximately 60 million units in 2020. However, many new riders make the mistake of skipping formal motorcycle training, which is a significant oversight.

The Importance of Motorcycle Training

Motorcycle training courses are essential for mastering the basics of riding. These courses can range from full-time programs lasting a few weeks to part-time classes extending over several months. In Alberta, driving schools like Fleet Safety International and its renowned "A" Driving School in Calgary offer customized motorcycle training programs.

Benefits of Motorcycle Training

  1. Enhanced Proficiency: Training programs help riders overcome initial inhibitions and improve their riding skills.
  2. Safety: Courses cover defensive motorcycling, rider etiquette, and basic maintenance, significantly reducing the risk of accidents.
  3. Insurance Benefits: Completing a motorcycle training course can make riders eligible for insurance discounts, as insurers often reward safe drivers.

Key Training Components

Motorcycle training begins with pre-ride lessons, teaching how to mount the bike and start the engine safely. Early stages focus on mastering the motorcycle's controls, which requires diligent practice.

Essential Skills Taught

  • Defensive Riding: Learning to anticipate and react to potential hazards.
  • Rider Etiquette: Understanding the rules of the road and how to interact with other drivers.
  • Basic Maintenance: Keeping the motorcycle in optimal condition through regular checks and maintenance.

The SIPDE Formula

One of the critical strategies taught in motorcycle safety schools is the SIPDE formula, which stands for:

  • Scan: Continuously observe the surroundings.
  • Identify: Recognize potential hazards.
  • Predict: Anticipate the actions of other road users.
  • Decide: Choose the best course of action.
  • Execute: Implement the chosen action effectively.

This formula helps riders stay vigilant and avoid potential dangers on the road.

Passing the Motorcycle License Test

Completing a prescribed motorcycle training course significantly enhances maneuvering skills, such as emergency stops and slow-speed control. According to Transport Canada, proper training can increase the likelihood of passing the motorcycle license test on the first attempt by up to 75%.

Maintenance Tips

Regular maintenance is crucial for motorcycle safety. Key areas to focus on include:

  • Lights: Ensure all lights are functioning correctly.
  • Tires: Check tire pressure and tread regularly.
  • Oil and Filters: Change oil and filters as recommended by the manufacturer.

Safety Tips from Experts

Experienced instructors recommend the following safety tips:

  • Follow Road Rules: Adhere to speed limits and traffic regulations.
  • Avoid High-Speed Lane Changes: Lane changes at high speeds can be dangerous.
  • Ride on One Side of the Lane: This increases visibility and reduces the risk of accidents.
  • Assume Invisibility: Always assume that other drivers may not see you.


Motorcycle training is indispensable for safe and proficient riding. With the rising popularity of two-wheelers, formal training becomes even more critical. By enrolling in a comprehensive motorcycle training program, riders can enhance their skills, improve safety, and potentially reduce insurance costs. Remember, a well-trained rider is a safe rider.

For more information on motorcycle safety and training, visit Transport Canada and Statista.

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