Cloud ACT is cost effective solution which allows users to access the web hosted system anytime anywhere on any device. Sage delivers CRM upgrades to make the application automatically updated to the client system.
ACT is a prospect customer and existing customer information application software solution. The application is designed by Sage to secure all the data of a client of an organization. With the arrival of this software solution, the process of customer management has simplified. Most of all the application is secure system which makes the loss of client data eliminated and secures the existing data of a client. New client’s information is point of sale and growing opportunity for the company business hence the automated CRM ACT secures the prospect data in the application which might of usage in the future. The application has numerous features which makes it a very popular customer relationship management solution. Traditionally, the process of business management of the customer information was incorporated by the professional accountants and CPAs using paper based process while today it is faster and simpler with robust accounting solution with usage of CRM solution. This simple application secures client data in the database which becomes easier for users to access the client data as per need and the client data is secure for the business. The access of the application is allowed to less knowledged users who can proficiently access the required information.
Cloud ACT CRM:
ACT can seamlessly install on any device like mobile, tablet, laptop or a computer as these devices are compatible to the application and users do not have to configure setups or configurations which is a boost to the enterprises. ACT CRM application can integrate with any application of Microsoft, MAC, UNIX and Linux systems and therefore this feature makes easy to access and secure the data of the customers or clients. The integration features makes users task simple as the process to access data from any source becomes very proficient. Users can define the data source and ACT retrieves the data required. ACT is 30 free trial software for users who wish to gain knowledge on the application. It’s a 30 day trial offer hence users must get most benefit of learning the application before the expiry while users can also check for other source like webinars running live and recorded to get expertise on ACT along with tutorials and videos. The hosting of ACT in the cloud and desktop are two main source of getting the application advantage. Cloud ACT is cloud hosting of the CRM while desktop hosting is on premise access of the CRM system.
Cloud ACT is low cost solution to enterprises and desktop solution has high operating cost of the customer contact management solution. ACT hosting on desktop is on premise hosting which is a legacy system and operated on local servers by the professionals which increases the operating cost of the firm because there are maintenance, infrastructure and IT costs to be managed by the professionals. Cloud ACT is the online hosting of the application that is managed on remote web servers by hosting providers at competitive rates with bank level security. Cloud services are managed by hosting providers with security and reliability offering complete data protection to global clients.
Cloud and desktop Sage ACT hosted services of CRM
Sage ACT hosted online on cloud makes data encrypted which means it is read by authorized users. Cloud web hosting services are hosted by hosting providers at cost effective rates to global customers.Secure and reliable Hosted ACT solution on cloud
Hosted ACT on cloud and desktop is robust customer contact application management. This secure application protects the client data and makes business successful.Simple and easy Sage 50 in the cloud accessible to users
Sage 50 in the cloud is fast, easy and productive hosting solution for small and medium enterprises. It is suitable for SMEs to manage their company business.