How Transportation Analysis Will Result to Logistics Management
To address the ongoing issues of businesses for lack of supplies and to ensure that logistics management is practiced, it is imperative that transportation analysis be done.
To determine what seems to be causing issues with the order-cycles in every business establishment involved with marketing goods—perishable or non-perishable—it is important for transportation analysis to be conducted. This study aims to measure associated costs to the freight business that hampers the delivery of stocks. In many major industries,

the most common problem that shoos customers away is the absence of the product itself—commonly referred to as out of stock. This happens because freight and cargo are facing several barriers and roadblocks—pun unintended—that keep them from distributing goods in a timely manner.In the United States, there are several groups dedicated to this kind of endeavor, one of which is the Strategic Freight Transportation Analysis or SFTA. The aim of this is to extensively gather data and use these data to improve freight movement. This study aims to maximize existing roads for usage of freight and analyze choke points that severely impair the movement of cargo and goods. This is also aimed at analyzing effectiveness of costs and at checking if a possible partnership between the government and the private sector can be made to meet its goals.Among the many studies conducted, the most important is the analysis of the point of origin and the final destination of the cargo. This provides a rough sketch of what seems to be causing the delays in freight deliveries. This involves not only goods but also resources, such as minerals and mining products. Also called an OD study, origin and destination study focuses on surveys from trucks to find out key points on freight movements. Once these data are gathered, extensive action plans may be made. This includes interview sessions and surveys to truck drivers, reaching about 28,000 participants or more. The study is focused on a state-wide basis to ensure accuracy of targeted data and not confuse it with the truck and freight movements of other states.The numbers obtained in this study will then translate to adequate roads and correct road plans by the government. This issue, when addressed, will certainly alleviate the growing concerns of companies and will improve business logistics in terms of service delivery. Other than this, it is a fact that all databases will lapse. What used to be accurate information before is no longer accurate now. Therefore, inaccurate numbers used will significantly impact decisions made and these decisions are going to wreak havoc on the freight industry. There is a necessity—which everyone acknowledges--for data analysis to be accurate and updated.As a final result, a study and analysis of origin and destination not only affects businesses but also private citizens. Private citizens will be assured that there will be safe roads for them. Other than being safe, the roads will be efficient in terms of structure.As a final note, the only persons allowed to do a freight movement analysis are professional Civil Engineers. This is to ensure that all people involved in the study are reliable and independent. After all, a transportation analysis and its results or the roads built based on its findings will last for more than 50 years.