When you own a small business you are, undoubtedly, going to use a credit card for some of your purchases. What all business owners need to keep in mind is that these cards do not offer the same protections that personal credit cards offer.
When you own a small business you are, undoubtedly, going to use a credit card for some of your purchases. What all business owners need to keep in mind is that these cards do not offer the same protections that personal credit cards offer.
First and foremost, these cards do not have the same identity theft protection features that other cards include. If someone makes unauthorized charges to the card the business is still responsible for the amount. There is no consumer protection attached to these cards. You must be very careful when using them.
Interest rates and fee limitations are not controlled on these cards like a personal card. You can not contest a spike in your interest or increase in fees like a personal card. Business credit cards have not been included in this legislation.
Finally, if you should have trouble with any representative from the company regarding payment or processing of your cards, you do not have consumer protection. The FTC does not offer any protection from unfair trade practices to a business credit holder.
If you are a small business, it is in your best interest to have a personal card that you use strictly for business purposes. If you designate a card in this fashion you will be given the FTC protections and still have the tax credits for your business expenses. The trick is to only use the card for your business and nothing personal – ever. This keeps your books straight and your receipts in order for tax time.
Rates for CD and Information
CD Rates are fairly low at the present. While the banks are getting practically free money from the Federal Reserve, they are giving low rates. The highest rate at around 2.5 percent can be obtained at many banks, but this might not be a wise decision.Information about Designing Tests
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