Eastern Connecticut State University
he teaching skill of Augusta State University is getting famous and day by day students admission number were increasing and the need of students, board of universities added a new campus to this university and change the universities status to 2 years to 4 year.
Eastern Connecticut State University is situated at United States of America. It is in 83 Windham Street,

Willimantic, Connecticut 06226. This Eastern Connecticut State University is one of the four universities of Connecticut State University System. The other three universities are Central Connecticut State University, Southern Connecticut State University and Western Connecticut State University. This Eastern Connecticut State University is a member of COPLAC, Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges. The University is affiliated with American Association of State Colleges and Universities. The University is also affiliated with Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, Connecticut Small Business Development Centre and Connecticut Community Colleges.The University gives admissions for undergraduate, graduate and part time courses. The University has Graduate Division, School of Continuing Education, School of Arts and Sciences and School of Education and Professional Studies. The University offers so many courses to its students. The University gives training in all the subjects and trades. The subjects include Accounting program, Biology, Business administration and communication. It also includes Computer Science, English, Economics, Mathematics and others. Students can get admission in any of these courses. There are so many academic departments in the University. The University also supports students to perform arts and cultural events.The Eastern Connecticut State University gives all the needs for a student. The University gives technical supports to the students. The University provides good lab and computer services to the students. Computer service is dedicated to providing the stable and up-to-date technology. It also supports services for the faculty, staff and students of the Eastern Connecticut State University. The University also has a good library. Library contains all the books and contents needed for the students and staffs. The library contains rare collections. This collection supports the University’s mission of research, teaching and learning. The ECSU gives opportunities to study abroad.The International Office of Eastern Connecticut State University provides this opportunity. In this opportunity students can go abroad and study in this University. The Eastern Connecticut State University’s semester and academic year abroad programs allow students to gain cultural insight. Studying abroad is a best way to experience daily life in a new culture and environment. The majority of ECSU University programs are set up as one for one exchange. The program allows Eastern and international students to trade places and study abroad. The University offers more than fifty international programs throughout the world which are beneficial and cost effective.