Active Adult Communities - Retirement Before Retiring

May 31


Aaliyah Arthur

Aaliyah Arthur

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Due to factors such as increased healthy life spans, a poor economy, and a changing ethic, more people are finding themselves pushing back their retirement dates. For some, this means moving into active adult communities.

Retirement has begun to change in America. Due to factors such as increased healthy life spans,Active Adult Communities - Retirement Before Retiring Articles a poor economy, and a changing ethic, more people are finding themselves pushing back their retirement date. At the same time, however, they want to begin enjoying some of the activities and plans they made for that date. For some, this means moving into active adult communities and becoming accustomed to a life beyond raising children. For others, it means transitioning into a part time status at work, keeping just enough hours to contribute to their budget. Finding that delicate balance between work and enjoyment is something many have found quite easy.


When you're raising a family, pushing your career forward, and trying to do a million things needed to keep up the house, finding time to practice a hobby can be challenging to say the least. This is why many Americans are using this "retirement before retirement" time to begin engaging the kinds of hobbies they always wanted to do. They have a unique combination of time and money, allowing them to explore some of their interests fully. These hobbies, whether they be photography, collecting, or even playing a musical instrument, often blossom in active adult communities, where the residents share a like mind towards enjoying the golden years.

A Second Career

For others, this time of life is a chance to break free of financial restrictions and pursue a passion through a second career. For some reason, we set up the system to have people in the teens decide what they want to do for the rest of their lives. For some, this works out. For many others, it doesn't. But once you're burdened with various financial obligations and a responsibility to take care of a family, it doesn't make sense to change careers. Once many of those obligations are squared away, many are finding themselves trying their hands at a second career. Take a stroll through active adult communities, and you may find several people taking advantage of their financial stability to do something risky.


Dating is hard at any age. If you're single, divorced, or widowed later in life, it can be even more difficult to find compatible matches. People have baggage at that age and they are set in their ways. They've been through hurt and heartache and they know what's important. In some ways, this wisdom cuts through some of the games that take place in less mature stages of dating; in other ways, it makes it more of a challenge to find the right person. Many active adult communities provide a chance for older singles to meet and enjoy activities in a fresh and pressure-free environment.