Common ailments you can prevent with a Good Diet

Sep 1


Kya Grace

Kya Grace

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There are a lot of benefits of following a good diet. You can tone down your body, work wonders for your complexion and confidence, develop your personality and ensure fitness. However did you know that you can ward of several disorders and ailments with a good diet. Learn how particular combinations of food help your body fights off ailments.


Common ailments you can prevent with a Good Diet

There are a lot of benefits of following a good diet. You can tone down your body,Common ailments you can prevent with a Good Diet Articles work wonders for your complexion and confidence, develop your personality and ensure fitness. However did you know that you can ward of several disorders and ailments with a good diet. Learn how particular combinations of food help your body fights off ailments.

What exactly is a good diet?

A good diet I one that fulfills all your nutritional requirements, keeps all your physiological systems working fine and helps promote good health. The correct mix of components in an ideal diet is complex carbohydrates, lean protein and healthy fats. However your diet has to be customized by your dietician/ nutritionist for accommodating your special physiological requirements, age and health goals.

Your diet is directly responsible for boosting your immune system and strengthening all the defense mechanisms of the body. This is how a healthy person who follows a proper diet tends to fall ill less often.

Fight arthritis

If you are plagued by the onset of arthritis then incorporate ginger and pumpkin in your diet. Peel off a small ginger shoot and boil a few pieces in hot water to extract the beneficial juices. Have this with your tea and let the natural anti inflammatory properties soothe your body.

Have a healthy portion of pumpkin every day to produce anti oxidants in your body. Two anti oxidants like beta carotene and cryptoxanthin are rich in pumpkin is evident from its bright range colour. Pure pumpkin puree consumed every day will soothe the pain producing nerves and cure the symptomatic reactions of inflammatory arthritis.

Get rid of type 2 diabetes

Beans (should be a part of every good diet) is great for fighting the onset of type 2 diabetes. Kidney, navy and pint beans are all potent combinations of good quality carbs, essential proteins and beneficial fibers. This combination of nutrients will stabilize your blood sugar level and keeps the tummy full. This in turn stops you form having junk food and spiking up your blood sugar level.

Egg whites are an excellent source of low calorie, high protein food which will keep your weight down and blood sugar level at an optimum level.

Prevent osteoporosis

Have lots of broccoli as it is packed with ingredients which build bone density. Broccoli has vitamin C, K and is full of calcium and potassium. Some f these ingredients act as a buffer which keeps metabolic acids outs and protect bone tissue. 3 servings of broccoli per week should do the trick.

One of the best sources of calcium is Yoghurt. This tasty low fat food is a great option for adults who have a problem in digesting milk. Even if you are lactose intolerant you will be able to enjoy the good effects of yoghurt. All nutritionists and dieticians agree on the utility of yoghurt as a bone density enhancer, When you know and understand the basic facts of nutrition you will be able to make relevant lifestyle and diet choices.