Don't Spend Your Golden Years Worrying About Insurance

Dec 27


Patrick Daniels

Patrick Daniels

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You might be entering your twilight years and waiting to reap the benefits of a lifetime of hard work and playing with your grandchildren, but the hard work is not even over. As people get older they tend to have more illnesses and the people that handle insurance are not quite as sympathetic as you might expect them to be.

You might be entering your twilight years and waiting to reap the benefits of a lifetime of hard work and playing with your grandchildren,Don't Spend Your Golden Years Worrying About Insurance Articles but the hard work is not even over. As people get older they tend to have more illnesses and the people that handle insurance are not quite as sympathetic as you might expect them to be. The government has put a Medicare system into effect that is supposed to take care of any problems that might occur in late life, but the system doesn't always take care of everything and that's is something that is vital to contemplate as you enter you later years.

Medicare falls short in many different areas and to begin with Medicare is so pitiful these days that it requires patients to pay additional money to get the extras for this insurance plan. Now it is one thing if an elderly person has a lot of money but if you have seen a Social Security check lately these people are not receiving much money to live on either. Every penny counts and unfortunately most of the elderly people are barely making it and if you think that they have it bad just wait until you see what happens to you. Many of the elderly people now have pensions and retirement funds and while it may seem that they are barely making it the coming generation won't have any of those benefits either and by then you will probably find that cost of Medicare will probably have risen and there is some talk that Social Security will decrease if not disappear entirely and then what?

Honestly, Medicare coverage is horrible when it comes to covering the elderly population and provides little by way of coverage for these individuals. As a matter of fact many of them are struggling to find health care providers who are willing to see them because the benefits of this system are so low that it winds up costing doctors to treat these patients. While most would negate this level of discrimination it really does exist.

And the lack of benefits is not the only problem with this system as it doesn't cover prescriptions very well either and when you look at that how many elderly patients do you know that don't have several prescriptions to fill? It is insane to think that when you need this coverage most it will fall out from under you.

There is no choice in this country. Those who have hit age 65 are Medicare patients and since they are those individuals who are in need of health care the most it is difficult to watch them suffer without the care that they need.