You’ve decided to buy a ... (rc) ... for yourself or a as a gift. There are an ... number of these ... on the market, with a huge range of prices. What factors shoul
You’ve decided to buy a radio-controlled (rc) airplane, for yourself or a as a gift. There are an overwhelming number of these airplanes on the market, with a huge range of prices. What factors should you use in your purchase decision?
Performance should really come first. At this stage, it’s really all about the flying. You will need something that is slow, and stable.
Ease of assembly should also be high on your list. You’ll need good, complete instructions. If you have the time, consider building from a kit, as a wooden kit plane can turn out very light (good for performance).
Crash resistance should not be your main consideration. Airplanes designed to withstand crashes tend to be much heavier than is good for decent fight performance. Because of this they end up doing a lot of crashing!
Cost is usually on someone's mind when they get into any new hobby, and rc airplanes are no different. Just remember that you usually get what you pay for. The cheapest system is generally not the best.
Looks should be the last thing on your mind when you get your new rc airplane. You will not have a fun experience trying to fly a scale model as your first. You can scale the airplane down, but you can’t scale down the forces of nature. Scale models will be too fast and unstable for a beginner.
For more information about choosing that perfect first radio controlled model, including specific recommendations, visit:
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Electric RC Airplanes
In the recent past, almost all rc airplanes were powered by small internal combustion engines, using liquid fuels. Models powered by electric motors were few and far between. The electric rc airplane is now becoming much more common, especially in models designed for beginning pilots.Model Jet Engines
Most of us can only dream of having a private jet airplane, but radio-controlled jets have become a practical and increasingly affordable reality. This is because of advances in model jet engine technology in recent years.Where to get Down Payment Money for Your Home
Down Payment Money - For most first-time homebuyers, that is probably the biggest hurdle they face in their quest to purchase a home. These days, one can easily find a loan program that allows the buyer to put down only 10% of the purchase price. Even at 10% down, the homebuyer will have to come up with $25,000 for a median-priced home in Fresno, CA! That is a lot of money for the average person. How does one come up with the down payment?