All Natural Drain Cleaning Solutions

Feb 17


Ace Abbey

Ace Abbey

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You can handle most of your own drain cleaning needs by using simple household items that are non-toxic and okay for the environment. This article tells you how a little prevention goes a long way.

You can do your own drain cleaning; it's all about prevention and maintenance. You don't need to call the plumber for your stubborn clogs; instead you can use household items that you've already got lying around. Doing some routine things will keep the plumber away. Here are some simple drain cleaning methods you can use that are easy and all-natural.

A Little Hot Water

The first prevention method doesn't involve anything at all more than hot water. If you run a little bit of hot water through each sink a couple of times a week,All Natural Drain Cleaning Solutions Articles this will help keep things moving and prevent clogs. Just turn on the tap for a minute or two and let the hot water run through. Be sure to do this in all of your sinks, including the bathrooms you don't use much and any utility sinks that you have. This will also help to keep pipes from freezing during the winter.

Mix Your Own Solution

Another all-natural way to do your own drain cleaning is to mix a solution and leave it in there for a while. This works just like the chemical cleaners, but you can make these solutions all by yourself with common household ingredients. 

Put a little bit of baking soda in the sink and add less than a half a cup of vinegar. Lemon juice also works well. Vinegar and lemon juice are nature's cleaners, and they're effective at keeping lots of areas of your house clean. Put this solution of baking soda and vinegar or lemon juice in there and let it sit for about half an hour. Then, rinse it out and your sink will be nice and clean.

Another option is to use salt instead of vinegar or lemon juice. Simply put baking soda and salt in there and let it work its magic. With this solution, you should leave it overnight and rinse in the morning. This will give it the time it needs to do its thing. Be sure to tell the kids and everyone else which sinks not to use so they don't wash your solution down the pipes.

Go Green

Using drain cleaning products is also an effective way to keep things clean or work out stubborn areas that clog easily. If you're going to buy something from the store, look for a product that is "green." This means that it has passed rigorous tests saying that it is non-toxic and environmentally friendly. Household cleaners contain lots of harmful chemicals and you can find all-natural products that work just as well. Your local hardware store should carry them.

Make Some Rules

It also helps to get everyone in the house more conscious about how they use the pipes. Kids often don't realize which things are okay and not okay to put down the sink. You can also tell everyone to limit their toilet paper use, since that is an area where clogged drains often occur. Be careful also about which feminine products can be flushed and which can't.

If your drain cleaning needs require more than this, call the plumber. Some clogs are so deep down that no amount of work will get rid of them. They can use a sewer snake or high pressure jet to get rid of the most stubborn clogs.