Home Remodeling on a Budget
Just because you're on a budget doesn't mean you can't do some home remodeling. Here are some tips.
Home remodeling may be one of those expenses that has been put on the back burner due to a family's tight budget. Whether a house needs a total overhaul or just some minor adjustments,
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hiring a professional contractor to build or retrofit what's needed may seem like someone else's financial reality. When one's budget feels stretched and frugality is the name of the game, there are still ways to accomplish some renovations. Planning one's projects can save big money in the long run.
Some Ways Home Remodeling Saves Money
Once homeowners decide to remodel, they may find that they're actually saving money by getting it done. For one thing, they won't end up selling their existing house in order to get a larger one or a property that meets their needs. If they have had a couple more children since purchasing their existing abode, they may feel so cramped that they put the place on the market and buy a new dwelling with additional bedrooms. This will cost them way more than simply adding on to their current address's space. Not only will the new real estate be a substantial outlay of cash, there will also be realtors' fees for the selling of the too-small-house, moving costs, changing of utilities, new window treatments for the new place, etc., etc. If they feel squished into their current abode, they may go out to eat more often or buy trinkets to make themselves feel better. If they remodel, they'll likely want to stay home more to enjoy their space and won't need the comfort shopping tactics, either.
Planning a Budget Rejuvenation
One of the best methods for shaving dollars off the total cost of a project is by planning. Early on, it's wise to start collecting pictures of what is desired. These don't have to be exact replicas of what they'll want done, but clipping pictures from interior decorating and design magazines will allow the homeowners to hone in on their needs and wants. Keeping a file of the ideas will be helpful for their own visualization as well as when they hire a contractor, architect or interior designer. Writing down a list of "must haves" and "don't needs" is another way of refining the project. Once a firm idea of what is needed is in place, it's time to get some estimates. Hiring licensed contractors will protect the project and homeowners from shoddy workmanship or unmet building codes. It's wise to interview at least three pros in order to compare and contrast estimates. Get the names of the builders from friends, family members, and neighbors who've had experience with building a place or adding on. Checking with the Board of Contractors will allow a review of the pros' complaint history and reputation. A final tip about obtaining more space within an existing house: Try to stay under current roof. Bumping out walls, moving up rather than out, converting existing space including part of a large garage are all ways of saving money.
When it comes to home remodeling, it can be achieved inexpensively with a bit of planning. In the end, it may actually save dollars over the long run.