Types of Power Of Attorney Forms

Feb 4


David Fagan

David Fagan

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A Power of Attorney is a legal document in which the writer appoints a person the right to act on his behalf. The authority you give that person depends on the specific language of the Power Of Attorney form.


Sometimes people may make their power of attorney form very broad or sometimes may limit the appointee to very specific actions.

A Power of attorney can be used to give some one the right to sign a contract for you,Types of Power Of Attorney Forms Articles make healthcare decisions, to handle your money or money transactions, the right to sell your home or car, and including any other legal right to do what the maker of the power of attorney can do themselves.

A "Limited Power of Attorney" gives the appointed delegate the authority to do a specific act, like only the authority to sell your home for you.

A "General Power of Attorney" usually gives the appointed delegate the very broad powers to perform any legal act on behalf of the maker of the Power Of Attorney. These are often times used to list activities you want the appointed delegate to perform.

A "Durable Power of Attorney" was created because Limited and General Power of Attorney terminate if the principal (maker of the Power of Attorney) becomes incapacitated. A Durable Power Of Attorney will not terminate it will continue to remain effective even if a person becomes incapacitated. In every state there are usually laws were a Durable Power of Attorney can no longer be used for an incapacitated principal in certain circumstances. A Durable Power Of Attorney must contain special wording that provides the powers given to the delegate to survive the incapacity of the principal. A Durable Power Of Attorney is effective as soon as the principal signs it unless it specifies that there are conditions but the conditions must be within your states laws.

*This is general legal information to provide basic information about power of attorney forms. For legal advice please contact an attorney. Since your states laws are constantly changing it is always best to consult an attorney regarding your particular case.
