Mastering Digital Marketing: 10 Essential Strategies for Success

Jan 2


Jackie Ulmer

Jackie Ulmer

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In the digital age, the internet is the future's highway. The dot-com fever is ubiquitous, and it seems there's no antidote. Online fortunes are being made, and you're eager to stake your claim. Here are ten crucial strategies to keep in mind as you develop and grow your online business.

1. Leverage Your Unique Knowledge

Every website,Mastering Digital Marketing: 10 Essential Strategies for Success Articles newsletter, and online venture needs a Unique Selling Proposition (USP). This is what distinguishes you from the crowd. Everyone possesses unique knowledge and experiences. Utilize this to make your product stand out. To further refine your USP, study similar websites and newsletters, and brainstorm about what appeals to you and how you can differentiate yourself.

2. Avoid Creating a Copycat Website

Repetition of the same information across multiple websites can be off-putting. If you're offering Affiliate Programs, that's excellent. However, create your own sales letter and testimonials. Don't just put up a banner and expect it to generate millions. For more information on effective marketing, visit Street Smart Wealth.

3. Stop Constant Comparisons

Everyone brings different experiences, education, and ideas to the table. If you're just starting, understand that it will take time and numerous adjustments before your site, newsletter, and product line are just the way you want them. This is part of the process.

4. View Your Business Through Your Customer's Eyes

Make your business about your customers, not about you. Use the word 'you' at least three times more than 'I'. People are more interested in how your knowledge and experience can benefit them.

5. Be Transparent and Accessible

Provide your contact information and avoid anonymity. Your picture, location, phone number, and valid email address should be on your website. While you don't need to list your home address, give them an idea of where you live. A website promising overnight riches without contact information raises red flags.

6. Automate Your Business

From the start, automate your business as much as possible. Use autoresponders to provide highly requested information about your product or service. Autoresponders are also a great way to follow up and stay current with people that have expressed interest in your offer. Most people do not buy on the first visit. Studies show that it takes 7 to 9 exposures before most people buy. If you give up too early, you'll miss the pot of gold at the end of the web! For more information on autoresponders, send an email to

7. Maintain Professional Etiquette

Use common business etiquette and manners. Avoid the use of slang. Remember, the World Wide Web is just that - world wide. You will never alienate an audience by using a professional tone, but you might if you get too casual. Other than blatant Spam, answer emails, even if it is a brief acknowledgment. You never know when you will interact with someone again, so treat each person as your most valued customer. They might be!

8. Seek Advice from Others

Successful people love to offer help and advice. There are bulletin boards all over the Internet where you can post messages looking for help on a particular topic whether it's how to design something into your site, where to get a merchant account or something else. If you don't ask, you'll never know. I learned through my first business project that people are successful for a reason. One reason is that they didn't try to re-invent the wheel. If I can't find the answer on my own, I'm the first one to post a message or send an email to someone that I think might have the answer. Try it! The responses and offers of help I have received from Internet millionaires are amazing.

9. Don't Neglect Offline Marketing

Online marketing is great, but don't forget to market your business offline as well. Every time you give someone cash, write a check or give your credit card, include a business card with it. Tell people about your online business and ask them to spread the word. Word of mouth advertising is better than any other form. Press releases, offline classifieds and traditional methods of advertising are important to your online business.

10. Build Relationships and Network Online

Visit bulletin boards and newsgroups and offer real help and assistance. Don't Spam these places, but use a signature line promoting your business, if it is acceptable. If you are legitimate, people will remember you and it could be worth gold to you in the future.

The most important thing is to just get started. Don't wait until you feel everything is perfect. It won't be. It never is. You will probably make thousands of changes. Everyone does! When you are changing, you are growing and your business will, too!

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