How to be a Miracle Maker

Sep 7


Keith Varnum

Keith Varnum

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Create the Love, Money, Body & Spirit You ... a ... secret about ... You ... always place an order for magic at will, but you ... create the ...


Create the Love,How to be a Miracle Maker Articles Money, Body & Spirit You Want

Here's a fascinating secret about miracles: You can't
necessarily always place an order for magic at will, but you can
deliberately create the conditions-environment, atmosphere and
attitude-that make miracles a thousand times more likely to
occur. Want to know how you can create a miracle-friendly world?
By taking these practical steps, you will bring magic into your
relationships, health, finances and more!

Your ability to Make Miracles is in direct proportion to your
willingness to:

1. Tell yourself more truth about the situation you want to

The more honest you are about where you're really at, the more
personal power you have to realize your dreams. By aligning
yourself accurately with what is real, you retrieve all of the
life force you've invested in holding together false situations
and relationships. This re-captured energy then attracts the
goals you desire. In this universe what's congruent gets the
energy. What's not congruent doesn't get the energy. Where aren'
t you being honest or accurate about some aspect of your life?
What truth about your life is right now safe, timely, helpful,
nurturing and liberating for you to acknowledge to yourself?

2. Act "outside the box"

All magic occurs beyond the boundaries of your current belief
system. What obstacles lie between you and moving outside your "
comfort zone?" Where could you let your vision for your life be
more outrageous? More fun? More of what you really want?

3. Withdraw from collective mass consciousness

Step beyond general consensus to remove the limits of what's
possible for you to have. Many people have changed society-and
had fun-by doing "what couldn't be done." You can too. When you
withdraw your energy field from the energy field of the tribal
collective agreement, you can create outside that agreement. Be "
in the world, but not of it." Where in your life would it serve
you to step a little further outside of mass consciousness

4, Use the Law of Attraction: Energize what you love with gratitude

Our magnetic field of energy is always (all ways) attracting
exactly what we need to create our heart's desires. Discover the
ancient wisdom of multiplying what you have with deep
thankfulness. As you pour the vibration of appreciation into the
love, health, prosperity and joy that you already have, this
vibration will magnetize more of the same to you. It's the
physics of the Universe. What aspects of your life could you
right now be genuinely grateful for?

5. Experience "concrete, physical" reality as energy

When we choose to experience so-called "solid" things as the
vibrational energy-fields of energy-that they actually are,
these aspects of our reality become infinitely more malleable
and flexible in responding to our intentions. Where are you
willing right now to open to experiencing your body-and other
people, conditions, animals, rocks, emotions-as an energy field (
life force/flow dynamic) rather than as fixed, static, solid

6. Reclaim your Personal Power

Are you energizing ideas and activities and maintaining
relationships that no longer serve you? When you choose to
invest in those relationships and situations that do feed your
dreams, you regain tremendous personal power. When you choose to
call back your spirit from the people, ideas and activities that
no longer serve you, you regain tremendous personal power to
invest in those relationships and situations that do feed your
dreams. What are you tolerating, avoiding or denying in your
life right now? Where are you compromising, sacrificing or
settling for something less than what you really want? Where
could you invest your time, energy and attention that would
really serve you?

7. Relax your grip on your belief system

When you release your vise grip on the rigid, fixed beliefs you
inherited from society, the things can shift that need to shift
for something new, fresh, wonderful and miraculous to happen to
you. What are your beliefs about how life operates? How
important are these beliefs to your survival, identity,
reputation (need for approval) and sense of worth? In what areas
of your life could you right now relax your need to control the
exact functioning of the people and events around you?

8. Build Your Chi - Your Internal Life Force Energy

Where could you be more accessible to energy-giving situations
and people? Where could you be more inaccessible to energy-
draining situations and people? How can you naturally and easily
"build your internal life force chi" through activities that are
fun for you? What in your life are you not experiencing as an

9. Connect directly with Spirit

Your soul is in charge of your life! Your spirit has been
running the show from behind the stage curtain since the
beginning of time. Open a direct line to the wonders, wisdom,
support and guidance of your own brilliant soul plan. How do you
mediate/pray? Is it as effective as you would like? Have you
tried a moving meditation?

10. Align your personality with your soul

When you're aligned with your true intentions in being here this
lifetime, prosperity flows automatically with no effort or
doingness. Align your everyday lifestyle with your soul vision
and receive all the support, energy and love you need-and begin
to enjoy the ride! What actions could you take that would bring
your life more in accord with your life purpose? What changes
could you make to be more authentic in your life?

11. Allow yourself to receive from Spirit

The primary joy and purpose of our spirit friends--the Ascended
Masters, guardian angels, spirit guides, nature devas, spirit
animals-is to assist us to reach our life goals. Do you
regularly ask for assistance, and let in love and energy from
your other dimensional allies?

12. Embrace your Shadow

What you choose not to see, you can't change. What weaknesses,
faults, fears and shortcomings do you feel you have-socially,
physically, spiritually, romantically, financially, sexually?
Are you willing to open up to your soul's point of view on your
so-called "dark side"?

13. Hang with people who nurture you

By your own pre-arranged conscious design, old soulmates deliver
messages to you that trigger timely awareness, alchemy and
awakening. What people and environments are not entirely safe,
supportive or inspiring for you to be with? Where could you
refuse to let another be reckless with your heart? Where could
you be less reckless with another's heart? Where could you
celebrate the success of others?

14. Listen to your body

What lessons is your body reflecting to you? What wake-up calls
from your body have you been denying? What's the weight you are
carrying around? What's your body dying to tell you?

15. Follow the guiding signs and synchronicities Spirit gives you everyday

Our soul is always (all ways) trying to steer us toward our
goals. We live in an interactive, responsive universe that is
designed to fulfill our deepest dreams-if we would only play
along! Allow your intuition to guide you to the forms and
vehicles that will empower your spirit to express fully. What
messages and signals has the Universe been sending you that you
have been ignoring, misinterpreting, or are afraid to act on?

16. Choose to be innocent (free) of the past: Welcome surprise and serendipity

Open the door to more magic, meaning and money in your world by
learning to suspend skepticism and conditioned responses. Learn
to surf through the surprises of life, instead of being swept
away by them.

17. Feng-shui your life: Give yourself a "spaceshift"

Feng-shui is the ancient art of consciously managing matter and
energy within space. By intuitively re-arranging the elements of
your daily life, you create the space to nurture the freedom,
opportunities and effectiveness you desire. By clearing out the
old, dead elements of your life, you create a natural vacuum and
an unblocked channel for fresh, new energy and ideas to come
into your private and professional life. How could you unblock
your energy now? Where can you re-arrange the ways you live your
everyday life in a fresh, new, intuitive way?

18. Live your life as an experiment

Consider your life as the latest-and greatest-experiment by
human consciousness to express Heaven on Earth-or just to have
fun playing in the 3rd dimension. Where could you lighten up,
celebrate and have more humor in your approach to living?