The Akashic Records

Aug 24


Kate Strong

Kate Strong

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Information available at a Soul Level.


The Akashic records are quite simply an energetic database in the ethers. Sounds pretty wafty and off the planet,The Akashic Records  Articles but just like the internet, it's a magnificent source of information that you can easily access, if you know how. They are a filing system, like an energetic library, that records every thought, feeling, event, action and experience since the beginning of time. Perhaps it's not to know why the Akashic Records are there but only know that they can be accessed to help you in your current life. The energy of the Akashic Records is in the ether, so it's everywhere.

There are of course certain rules when trying to access the Akashic Records and the Records Guides oversee who wants to access the Records and why. So a pure intention when accessing the Records is a must. If your intention is to gain information for illegal or destructive reasons then access will be denied. We can liken the Akashic Records to the World Wide Web. Every soul has their own webpage, that is all interconnected with other webpages.

The Akashic Records are accessed by entering into certain states of consciousness. They're not something you can just know about in your waking every day state of mind. Although some people who are highly sensitive or psychic can do this. It's not a state you want to be in though in your daily life. More than ever we need our conscious mind to navigate the highway of this modern age.

There are so many areas you can explore in the Akashic Records. You can delve into Ancient civilisations, past ancestors or members of our Soul family. You can look at your current relationships and gain a greater understanding as to why you have the relationship you have. Or you can find out how many lives you shared together and what kind of relationships you've had. This life you might be siblings, and in a past life you might be parent and child. At a soul level you always chose the way you experience your relationships and what the nature of them are like.

The most popular reason for accessing the Akashic Records is for healing. Perhaps you are currently experience some kind of limitation in your life. Perhaps you have tried various methods to heal this, but nothing has shifted your issue. Sometimes all the understanding in the world at a conscious level doesn't explain the reason you're experiencing difficulty in a certain area of your life.

Healing by accessing the Akashic Records is a very powerful process. All spiritual healing is healing you at a soul level. And in this life we are here for our Soul Purpose, we have a mission for being here. That was our reason for reincarnating into this lifetime. Most of us know at a deeper level if we are fulfilling our Soul potential. Accessing the Akashic Records is another tool in our toolbox in life to help us move forward with a better understanding of why we are here on Planet Earth.

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