Setting Your Behavior for the Day

May 3


Etienne A. Gibbs

Etienne A. Gibbs

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Discover how the first hour of your morning can shape your entire day. According to Dr. Fredrick Koenig of Tulane University, the way you start your day significantly influences your behavior patterns. This insight, supported by Dr. Robert Calmes of the University of Arizona, categorizes morning routines into distinct types, each reflecting unique personality traits and behavioral tendencies. Whether you're a vigorous early riser or someone who savors those extra minutes in bed, understanding your morning type can help optimize your daily potential.


The Importance of Morning Routines

Morning routines are more than just the first actions of the day; they are a foundation for daily productivity and mood. The significance of these routines is backed by psychological research. A study by the American Psychological Association highlights that routine can engender feelings of safety,Setting Your Behavior for the Day Articles security, and efficiency. It's not just about what you do, but how you do it that sets the tone for the rest of the day.

Types of Morning Personalities

Dr. Koenig and Dr. Calmes have identified several morning personality types. Each type not only describes our initial morning behavior but also aligns closely with our broader personality traits:

  1. The Bounce-out-of-bedder: Typically optimistic and cheerful, these individuals start their day with enthusiasm and are often very sociable.
  2. The Everybody-get-upper: Known for their practical and energetic approach, they tackle the day with a clear, objective mindset.
  3. The Sloucher: They take a more relaxed approach to mornings, often slow to start but flexible in their day.
  4. The Just-five-more-minutes Sleeper: Comfort lovers who prefer easing into their day gently, often enjoying passive activities.
  5. The Don't-talk-to-me-until-I've-had-my-second-cup-of-coffee-er: These individuals value privacy and self-sufficiency, often taking a bit longer to engage socially in the mornings.
  6. The Get-up-earlier-than-the-whole-neighborhooder: Lovers of quiet and solitude, they use morning time for personal reflection and enjoyment of nature.
  7. The Dasher: Always on the move, they are highly active and thrive on getting tasks completed efficiently.
  8. The Early-morning Exerciser: Disciplined and determined, they use their mornings to set a rigorous tone for the day with physical activity.

Maximizing Your Morning

Understanding your morning type can help you tailor your early hours to better suit your personality and enhance your daily productivity. Here are a few tips to make the most of your mornings:

  • For the Bounce-out-of-bedders: Engage in social activities early in the day to maintain your cheerful mood.
  • For the Everybody-get-uppers: List your daily tasks each morning to align your practical nature with your day’s goals.
  • For the Slouchers: Introduce a small, enjoyable routine to gently boost your morning motivation.
  • For the Just-five-more-minutes Sleepers: Gradually prepare for the day with activities that slowly ramp up in engagement.
  • For the Coffee-first personalities: Create a quiet, soothing morning ritual that respects your need for slow engagement.
  • For the Early risers: Dedicate your first hours to personal projects or peaceful contemplation.
  • For the Dashers: Organize your morning efficiently to ensure a productive start without feeling rushed.
  • For the Early-morning Exercisers: Maintain a consistent exercise routine to harness your discipline throughout the day.


Every morning offers a new opportunity to set a positive tone for the day. By recognizing and embracing your morning personality type, you can harness your natural tendencies for greater happiness and effectiveness. Remember, when you maximize your potential, everyone benefits. When you don’t, we all lose.