Top Ten Tips For Having Fun Organizing

May 3


Mahalene Louis

Mahalene Louis

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Discover the joy of organizing with these ten playful and creative strategies that transform the mundane task of decluttering into an enjoyable activity. Embrace color, music, and whimsy to make organizing a delightful part of your daily routine.

Introduction to Joyful Organizing

The mere mention of "clutter" can trigger stress and anxiety for many. Stacks of papers and disorganized spaces not only clutter our homes but also our minds. However,Top Ten Tips For Having Fun Organizing Articles what if the process of organizing could be transformed into a fun and enjoyable activity? By incorporating playful elements and creative strategies, organizing can become less of a chore and more of a delightful part of your daily routine.

The Power of Color

Play with Colors

Colors influence mood and perception. Why not use this to your advantage when organizing? Choose folders, bins, and organizers in vibrant colors that uplift your spirits. For instance, a study by the University of British Columbia found that red can boost attention to detail, making it a great choice for areas requiring focus like a home office.

  • Suggestion: Opt for bright orange for energy, teal for calm, and violet for creativity.

Create a Pleasant Environment

Play with Decor

The objects around you can enhance your organizing experience. Select items that bring you joy every time you see them, such as a stylish pencil holder or a motivational poster. According to a report by the National Association of Professional Organizers, a well-organized space can increase productivity by up to 25%.

  • Tip: Frame a favorite photograph in an inspiring frame or invest in a sleek, metallic office set.

Embrace the Role

Play Business Guru

Turn organizing into a game. Dress up in a fun costume, like Groucho Marx glasses, and pretend you're an organizational guru. This playful approach can make the process enjoyable and less daunting.

Build Your Organizing Muscles

Play Order Builder

Think of organizing as a physical workout. Set a timer for 15-minute bursts of decluttering followed by a 15-minute break to engage in a passion of yours. This method prevents burnout and keeps the task manageable.

Find Joy in the Process

Play it... And Joy Will Come

Starting is often the hardest part. Once you begin, the satisfaction from clearing even a small area can be immense. Celebrate small victories to build momentum and make organizing a habit.

Prepare for Setbacks

Play to Allow Win

Understand that setbacks can happen. If you feel overwhelmed, revisit the playful mindset by putting on your costume glasses again. This can help you see the situation from a new, less stressful perspective.

Turn Challenges into Games

Puzzle Play

Approach organizing challenges like puzzles. If you're stuck, focus on finding creative solutions rather than dwelling on the problem. This can make the process more engaging and less frustrating.

Use Music to Motivate

Play Music

Background music can significantly enhance your mood and productivity. A study by Mindlab International showed that music can increase accuracy in tasks by 15%. Play tunes that motivate you to keep the energy up as you organize.

Simplify Decision Making

Play Decide

Treat decision-making as a game. Just as children play pretend, you can approach sorting items with a light-hearted decision-making process. This reduces the pressure of making "perfect" choices and makes the task more enjoyable.

Seek Inspiration

Play Inspired!

Consider hiring a coach to guide and inspire you through your organizing journey. An expert can provide personalized tips and motivation to keep you on track.


Organizing doesn't have to be a dreaded task. By incorporating these playful and creative strategies, you can transform it into an enjoyable and fulfilling part of your life. Embrace the fun in functionality and watch as your space—and your mind—becomes clearer and more organized.

For more insights on the psychological benefits of organizing, visit Psychology Today and explore their articles on organizational psychology. Additionally, the National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals offers resources and professional advice for those looking to dive deeper into the art of organizing.