Six Strategies for Maintaining Your Pet's Healthy Weight

Apr 2


Alex Royal

Alex Royal

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Maintaining a healthy weight for your pets is crucial for their overall well-being and longevity. With obesity in pets on the rise, it's more important than ever to be proactive about their diet and exercise. Here are six expert strategies to help your furry friends stay in top shape, ensuring they lead a happy and healthy life.

Consult Your Veterinarian for a Weight Plan

Every pet is unique,Six Strategies for Maintaining Your Pet's Healthy Weight Articles and their health needs can vary greatly. It's essential to work closely with a veterinarian to determine your pet's ideal weight. Sudden weight gain can be a red flag for various health issues, such as kidney problems or hormonal imbalances. The Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP) reports that in 2018, an estimated 60% of cats and 56% of dogs in the United States were overweight or obese. Regular check-ups and weight monitoring can help catch potential problems early.

Treats: A Balanced Approach

Treats are a common way for pet owners to show love, but they can also contribute to weight gain. The American Pet Products Association notes that a significant majority of pet owners give treats to their pets. However, many treats are high in fat and calories. The National Research Council suggests that up to 25% of household pets are overweight. Instead of high-calorie treats, consider healthier alternatives like PetAg’s VIVE Low-Calorie Nutrition Bars, which are low in fat and carbs but high in fiber. Remember, affection doesn't have to come in the form of food—a good pat or praise is calorie-free and just as meaningful.

Understanding Pet Food Labels

While pet food labels list ingredients and kilocalories (the calorie measurement for pets), treat labels often don't require calorie counts. For example, a medium-sized dog biscuit from a leading brand contains 45 kcals, compared to 34.8 kcals for a VIVE Low Cal Nutrition Bar. That's a 25% calorie reduction. For guidance on daily caloric needs, consult your vet or refer to feeding charts from reputable sources.

Healthy Snack Alternatives

Fruits and vegetables can be excellent treat substitutes for pets, offering high fiber and essential nutrients. However, it's important to serve appropriate portion sizes for your pet's size. Products like VIVE Low-Cal Nutrition Bars, which contain real pumpkin, apples, and cranberries, are tasty and healthy options that pets can enjoy.

Encourage Physical Activity

Physical activity is as important for pets as it is for humans. For cats, consider moving their food dishes to higher levels to encourage jumping. For dogs, an extra walk each day benefits both pet and owner. Be mindful of any health issues that may affect your pet's ability to exercise, such as joint problems, and adjust their activities accordingly.

Avoid Feeding Table Scraps

Pets have different nutritional needs and digestive systems than humans. Feeding them table scraps can lead to excess calorie intake and weight gain. Research indicates that pets on a lean diet can live up to two years longer than those overfed with regular diets or human food.

We hope these tips assist you in keeping your beloved pet healthy and fit. For more information on pet nutrition and care, visit the American Veterinary Medical Association or the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention.

Thank you for caring about your pet's health. - E-Pets by Royal

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