Reaching the Absentee Voter

Apr 26


Scott Perreault

Scott Perreault

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Summary: As voter turnout fluctuates, the strategic importance of absentee ballots grows. This article explores how campaigns can effectively target absentee voters, a frequently overlooked demographic, to enhance electoral success. By investing in targeted advertising and voter education, campaigns can maximize their impact before traditional polling begins.


The Underutilized Power of Absentee Ballots

Absentee voting,Reaching the Absentee Voter Articles often overshadowed in campaign strategies, plays a crucial role in modern elections. Despite its potential to sway results, it seldom receives the attention or resources it deserves. A study by the United States Election Assistance Commission noted that in the 2016 general election, nearly 25% of votes were cast via absentee ballots, highlighting their significance (U.S. EAC, 2016). Yet, many campaigns still allocate insufficient funds and focus to this voting method.

Strategic Advertising for Absentee Voters

Early Bird Gets the Worm

Campaigns typically structure their media budgets starting from Election Day and working backward, often neglecting early voters. However, the early phase of absentee voting presents a unique opportunity. Being one of the few—or possibly the only—candidates to advertise during this period can set a strong foundation for your campaign's visibility and message.

Comparison with Commercial Advertising

Political campaigns can learn from commercial advertising strategies. For instance, if a car dealership had the chance to advertise exclusively for a month, the lack of competition would likely boost its sales significantly. Similarly, early absentee voter advertising can benefit from reduced competition, allowing a campaign's message to resonate more clearly with potential voters.

Crafting the Message

When targeting absentee voters, it's crucial to focus on positive and educational messages. The initial ads should introduce the candidate as a relatable and trustworthy figure, avoiding negative campaigning since the competitive clutter hasn't yet started. Additionally, educating voters on the absentee voting process itself can demystify the procedure and encourage participation.

Financial Considerations and Benefits


While many radio markets may not offer political rates early in the campaign season, the advantages of being the sole advertiser can outweigh the costs. Without the need to compete against a barrage of other political ads, your campaign can achieve greater message penetration and recall among the audience with less overall spend.

Long-Term Impact

Investing in absentee voters not only helps in building early momentum but can also have a lasting impact throughout the campaign period. By establishing a positive first impression and increasing voter awareness about absentee voting, campaigns can potentially secure a significant portion of votes well before Election Day.


Leveraging absentee voting is more than just an alternative strategy—it's a proactive approach to widen a campaign's reach and influence. By prioritizing and investing in this often-neglected area, political campaigns can gain a critical advantage in the competitive arena of elections. Educating voters about the ease and benefits of absentee voting, coupled with strategic early advertising, can transform the way campaigns interact with their electorate and ultimately, how they perform at the polls.