Test Your Knowledge: Engaging Quiz on Islam with Answers

Dec 3


Yusha Sayyid

Yusha Sayyid

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Are you ready to test your knowledge of the Islamic faith? Embark on a journey through the rich tapestry of Islamic history, beliefs, and traditions with this engaging quiz on Islam.

This comprehensive exploration offers insights into the life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad,Test Your Knowledge: Engaging Quiz on Islam with Answers Articles the Holy Quran, Islamic law, and much more. Challenge yourself and discover fascinating insights into the world’s second largest religion.

Key Takeaways

  • Comprehensive Islamic Quiz to assess knowledge of faith, Prophet Muhammad’s life and teachings, Holy Quran chapters & verses, Islamic law & practices.
  • Explore early history of Islam with emphasis on Caliphs and Imams’ leadership. Night Journey and other significant events.
  • Core beliefs/practices strengthened by Five Pillars, cultural traditions based on lunar calendar, importance of Arabic language + sacred cities/places in Islam.

Comprehensive Islamic Quiz: Test Your Knowledge

Illustration of a person taking an Islamic quiz

Islam is a diverse and complex faith with a rich history that spans over 1400 years. This Islamic quiz aims to gauge your comprehension of key aspects of the faith, such as:

Are you ready to put your knowledge to the test and uncover hidden gems of wisdom from the Islamic tradition?

From the profound teachings of the Prophet Muhammad to the intricate verses of the Holy Quran, the Islamic faith offers a wealth of knowledge and guidance for its followers. Immerse yourself in understanding Prophet Muhammad’s life, the revelations in the Quran, and the complexities of Islamic law and practice. This wide-ranging quiz will test your familiarity with the basic principles of Islam, alongside the historical events and influential figures that have moulded its history.

Prophet Muhammad: Life and Teachings

As the founder of Islam, Prophet Muhammad’s life and teachings hold great significance for Muslims worldwide. Born in Mecca in 570 A.D., he spent 53 years in Mecca and 10 years in Medina, where he was acclaimed as ‘The Truthful One’ even before becoming a prophet.

Prophet Muhammad’s teachings emphasize the importance of kindness, respect, and leading a virtuous life. His example as a role model inspires millions of Muslims to follow in his footsteps and strive for spiritual growth.

This section will assess your understanding of the life of the last prophet, Prophet Muhammad, his teachings, and his influence on Islam.

Holy Quran: Chapters and Verses

The Holy Quran is not merely a book but the heart of Islam, serving as a divine revelation that steers Muslims in their daily lives. It offers moral direction and spiritual sustenance across its chapters, and one might wonder how many chapters it contains. With 114 chapters brimming with wisdom and understanding, the Quran provides guidance for every aspect of life.

In this section, you will be quizzed on the chapters and verses of the Holy Quran. From the fruits mentioned in the sacred text to the meaning of Allah’s names, these questions will test your understanding of the Quran’s teachings and their significance in the Islamic faith. Are you up for the challenge?

Islamic Law and Practices

Sharia law, which draws from the Quran and Prophet Muhammad’s teachings, covers all aspects of life, from criminal and civil to family law. For Muslims, observing Islamic law and practices is pivotal to aligning their lives with Islamic teachings.

In this section, you will be tested on your knowledge of Islamic law and practices, such as:

These questions will challenge your understanding of Islamic law and its impact on the lives of Muslims worldwide.

Islamic History and Events

Illustration of significant events in Islamic history

Islam’s history is a compelling and complex weave of noteworthy events, influential figures, and extraordinary accomplishments. From the early days of the faith to the rise of the Islamic empire, the history of Islam is a testament to the resilience and determination of its followers.

This section will cover the early history of Islam, the contributions of caliphs and imams, and the relevance of occurrences such as the Night Journey. By understanding the historical events that have shaped the Islamic faith, you will gain a deeper appreciation for the rich cultural heritage and enduring legacy of Islam.

Early Islamic History

The early history of Islam is marked by pivotal moments, from the initial revelation of the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad in 610 CE to the establishment and spread of Islamic civilization during the 7th century. These events have shaped the course of Islamic history and continue to inspire Muslims around the world today.

In this subsection, you will be tested on your knowledge of early Islamic history, including the founding of Islam, the role of the Prophet Muhammad, and the spread of the faith throughout the Arabian Peninsula. As you explore these historical events, you will gain a deeper understanding of the origins and development of Islam, its beliefs, and its impact on the world.

Caliphs and Imams

Caliphs and imams have exerted significant influence throughout Islamic history in molding the faith and its followers. The four rightly guided Caliphs – Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali – are revered for their wisdom, piety, and leadership during the early years of Islam. In Shia Islam, the twelve Imams, starting with the first Imam, Ali, are spiritual and political leaders who are believed to be divinely appointed and guided.

This subsection will test your knowledge of the caliphs and imams who have shaped Islamic history. By understanding their roles and contributions, you will gain a deeper appreciation for the rich historical tapestry of Islam and the enduring legacy of these influential figures.

Night Journey and Other Significant Events

The Night Journey, also known as Isra’ and Mi’raj, is a miraculous journey of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Jerusalem and his ascension into heaven. This event holds great spiritual and symbolic significance in Islam, and it is a testament to the sanctity of Jerusalem as a holy city.

In this subsection, you will be tested on your knowledge of the Night Journey, as well as other significant events in Islamic history. By understanding these pivotal moments, you will be better equipped to appreciate the rich cultural heritage and spiritual depth of the Islamic faith.

Pillars of Islam and Core Beliefs

Illustration of the Five Pillars of Islam

The Five Pillars of Islam are:

  • Shahada (declaration of faith)
  • Salat (prayer)
  • Zakat (charity)
  • Sawm (fasting)
  • Hajj (pilgrimage)

These pillars serve as a reminder of the purpose of life, which is to worship Allah alone, and provide guidance for living a life of piety and devotion.

This section will cover the Five Pillars of Islam and the central beliefs and practices that form the foundation of Islam. By understanding these fundamental principles and practices, you will gain a deeper appreciation for the spiritual richness and moral guidance offered by Islam.

Five Pillars of Islam

The Five Pillars of Islam are the foundation of a Muslim’s faith and actions, providing a framework for living a life of devotion and piety. By adhering to these pillars, Muslims demonstrate their commitment to Allah and their submission to His will.

This subsection will assess your comprehension of the Five Pillars of Islam, including the importance of each pillar and its influence on a Muslim’s life. By understanding these essential tenets of the Islamic faith, you will gain a deeper appreciation for the spiritual path that millions of Muslims follow in their quest for peace and enlightenment.

Core Beliefs and Practices

Beyond the Five Pillars of Islam, numerous key beliefs and practices are integral to Islam. These beliefs and practices, such as prayer, fasting, and charity, serve to strengthen a Muslim’s relationship with Allah and provide guidance for living a life of piety and devotion.

In this subsection, we will test your knowledge of these core beliefs and practices, exploring their significance in the lives of Muslims and the ways in which they contribute to the spiritual growth and development of the Islamic faith. By understanding these essential aspects of Islam, you will gain a deeper appreciation for the richness and complexity of the world’s second largest religious group.

Islamic Culture and Traditions

Photo of Islamic cultural practices

Islam is a diverse and vibrant faith with a rich cultural heritage that spans many centuries and regions. Islamic culture and traditions have had a profound impact on:

  • Art
  • Architecture
  • Language
  • Society

These influences reflect the unique values and aesthetics of the Islamic world.

This section will cover the multifaceted aspects of Islamic culture, including:

  • The Islamic calendar
  • Holidays
  • Cultural norms
  • Traditions

By understanding the cultural heritage of Islam, you will gain a deeper appreciation for the beauty and diversity of this global faith.

Islamic Calendar and Holidays

The Islamic lunar calendar is used to determine important Islamic events, such as Ramadan, Eid celebrations, and the Hajj pilgrimage. This calendar is mentioned in the Quran and is based on the phases of the moon, allowing for the observance of these events to be held at different times of the year and not linked to a particular season.

This subsection will assess your understanding of the Islamic calendar and key holidays such as Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr. By understanding the significance of these dates and events, you will gain a deeper appreciation for the unique traditions and customs that define the Islamic faith.

Cultural Practices and Traditions

Islamic culture is rich and diverse, encompassing various forms of art, architecture, and clothing that reflect the unique values and aesthetics of the Islamic world. From the intricate geometric patterns in Islamic art to the modest attire worn by Muslims, these cultural practices and traditions are a testament to the beauty and spiritual depth of Islam.

In this subsection, you will be tested on your knowledge of Islamic cultural practices and traditions, including Islamic art, architecture, and clothing. By understanding the historical and cultural context of these practices, you will gain a deeper appreciation for the rich tapestry of Islamic culture that has developed over the centuries.

General Knowledge About Islam

Illustration of Arabic language learning

The Islamic faith, sometimes islam called, is vast and multifaceted, encompassing a wide range of beliefs, practices, and traditions that have developed over the centuries within the Islamic religion. General knowledge about Islam includes the Arabic language, Islamic terminology, and the holiest cities and places in the Islamic world.

This section will evaluate your general understanding of Islam, including the importance of the Arabic language, crucial Islamic terminologies, and the most sacred cities and places in Islam. By broadening your understanding of these aspects of the faith, you will gain a deeper appreciation for the diverse and complex nature of the Islamic tradition.

Arabic Language and Islamic Terminology

The Arabic language is of great significance in Islam as it is the language of the Holy Quran. Muslims view Arabic as a sacred language and use it for reciting the Quran, carrying out prayers, and comprehending Islamic teachings. The true essence of the Quran can only be completely understood in Arabic.

This subsection will assess your understanding of the Arabic language and crucial Islamic terminologies, including the comprehension of a specific arabic word. By understanding the importance of the Arabic language in Islam and the meanings of various Islamic terms, you will gain a deeper appreciation for the richness and complexity of the Islamic faith.

Holiest Cities and Places

Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem are considered the holiest cities in Islam, with Mecca being the holiest city. Each city holds great significance for Muslims due to its association with important events and figures in Islamic history, such as the first mosque. From the birthplace of Prophet Muhammad to the site of the Prophet’s ascension into heaven, these holy cities and places inspire devotion and reverence among Muslims worldwide.

In this subsection, you will be tested on your knowledge of the holiest cities and places in Islam, such as Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem. By understanding the significance of these sacred sites, you will gain a deeper appreciation for the spiritual depth and enduring legacy of the Islamic faith.


This engaging quiz has provided a comprehensive exploration of the Islamic faith, its history, beliefs, and traditions. From the life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad to the rich tapestry of Islamic culture and the Five Pillars of Islam, this quiz has offered a fascinating insight into the world’s second largest religion. As you continue to deepen your understanding of Islam, may you be inspired to further explore its rich heritage and spiritual depth, and appreciate the beauty and diversity of this global faith.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 3 questions asked in Islam?

The three questions asked in Islam are: "Who is your Lord?", "What is your religion?" and "Who is your prophet?" The two angels Nakir and Munkar ask the deceased soul these questions when they prop them up in the grave.

What are the hard questions about Islam?

Questions concerning Islam's compatibility with democracy and human rights, the effects of religious fundamentalism on development in Islamic societies, the possible obligations to deceive non-Muslims in service of Islam, and the nature of ISIS in regards to "true" Islam all pose hard questions.

Can Muslims drink alcohol?

Based on the Quran, drinking alcohol is forbidden in Islam and it is seen as the “work of Satan”. Therefore, Muslims cannot drink alcohol.

What 5 things do Muslims follow?

Muslims follow the Five Pillars of Islam: Shahadah, Salat, Zakat, Sawm, and Hajj. These form the basis for Islamic religious practice.

How do you know a Muslim?

By following the Islamic faith and submitting to Allah, Muslims can be recognized as followers of Islam. They believe in one God - Allah - and strive to live in submission to Him, with free will. Thus, a Muslim is one who follows the faith of Islam.