Money Blocking Misconception Exposed

Jan 8


Melissa Quiter

Melissa Quiter

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Money is flowing to you. Get rid of your internal damns and experience what the wealthy have figured out.

Are you suffering from the misconception that the only way to have great wealth in your life is to be lucky,Money Blocking Misconception Exposed Articles privileged, entitled or hard working?If you are nodding yes, you now know why you don’t have exactly what you desire in your life. It is this misconception that is sabotaging your ability to create wealth -- not your luck, family, status or work ethic!The only thing keeping you from having money is you. No exceptions. Now, I can already hear you saying, “If it was up to me, I wouldn’t be living in this run-down house, driving this junky car or struggling financially!” And, I would respond, yes you would, because you are.

As proven by Quantum Physics, what you focus on is what you create. What you believe is what you physically manifest and attract. Your beliefs – those subconscious parts of you – are creating the life you are living.

If you look at your history, the majority of the time you will find, your wealth is a direct reflection of the wealth you grew up with. This is because, as a child, you were fed many messages about money. You may have been told money is the most important thing, rich people are evil and greedy, you have to work hard to be wealthy, there are always more bills than money, you cannot be spiritual if you are materialistic, and on and on.

Whatever messages you heard are the beliefs you created in relation to money. And, for the most part, people are totally unaware of what beliefs they adopted. Those beliefs, directly unchallenged, are continuing to control your earning power. This is why you keep experiencing the same obstacles over and over again. How often do you wonder why, no matter what you do, nothing ever really changes?Getting rid of this misconception is the first step. The second step is going into your subconscious mind and identifying what you believe about money and removing the conflicting beliefs that may be blocking you from attracting it into your life.

Conflicting beliefs are what happens when you have a conscious belief, such as: I want to make more money; I deserve a raise; or I am worth twice as much as I have saved; and a subconscious belief, such as what was listed above: materialistic people are bad; having too much money means I am superficial; or money is the root of all evil. Until you identify what beliefs are blocking you and keeping money from coming to you, you cannot replace those limiting beliefs with new, empowering beliefs based on what you want now.

The first step is knowing that you are the creator of your experience and you are the only reason money is being blocked from your life right now. The second step is identifying what your conflicting beliefs are. The third step is replacing those old, limiting beliefs with new and empowering ones.

So, if you don’t have the wealth you desire, you now know what you have to do to change your money power!