The days of birth control being only a woman’s responsibility may be coming to an end! For the first time, scientists have developed what may be a safe and effective contraceptive solution that is administered to the male, instead of the female. Several types of male contraceptives may be hitting the market soon.
Morning Sickness and Heartburn
Morning sickness: Either you get it very bad or you don’t get it at all. It seems that there’s no one who falls out in the middle. If you fall into the 30% of women who never get nauseated at all, then consider yourself lucky...Pregnancy and Acid Reflux
For most women, pregnancy and heartburn go hand-in-hand. Most women assume that heartburn is just another one of those random symptoms of pregnancy, but...Your Fertility Window of Opportunity: Tracking Your BBT and Cervical Mucus
While it's true that you can get pregnant any day of your menstrual cycle, there are certain days that are much more likely than others. If you are trying to conceive, it's important that you pay close attention to your menstrual cycle so you can make love at the optimal time.