Online password storage – stupid or genius?

Jul 15


Alex Riss

Alex Riss

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It seems that memorizing the big pile of my passwords would literally blow my mind. And I've finally found the solution to keep it intact – online password storage.


When I was a fourteen-year-old,Online password storage – stupid or genius? Articles I didn't face this problem. I had one password to access my Windows account, and one password for my personal mailbox and ICQ number. No, it wasn't really a problem to keep three passwords in mind.

But then, the quantity of web accounts and other services with password protection started to increase greatly – I don't even remember the moment when I first time forgot a password. Now I'll try to discuss several methods to remember the passwords and why I gave them up to online password storage.

The first thing I did wasn't very wise – I started to use the same password for many services. And one day I found my private mailbox and several social accounts broken. Thankfully, it wasn't an online bank.

Then I started to invent near to random unique passwords and write them down to a paper sheet. It was a failure again – though I was careful and didn't lose it, I finally spilled a cup of tea on it. Anyway, I could easily lose it. That is why I decided to store it in my computer.

The initial idea was to create a text file, containing all my passwords. I even enabled encryption. But when there appeared the necessity to access my accounts from different computers, I decided to go for the online password storage.

The necessary good is encryption: I can be 99% sure my passwords are protected from prying eyes. And, besides, the overwhelming majority of my passwords are from web accounts and I can access them whenever I need it with online password storage.
