Curing Writer’s Block

Dec 7


Alana Johnson

Alana Johnson

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Writer’s block is an inevitable curse for most writers. When it rears its ugly head you can prepare yourself to work around it by using any of these three techniques.


The dreaded writer’s block remains an inevitable curse for most writers.  You get to the point where you just cannot write another word.  Maybe finishing the sentence you’re writing has taken over an hour.  You revise,Curing Writer’s Block Articles revise and revise but it just doesn’t sound right or convey the thought you have in your mind.  For many writers their creative juices don’t always flow when summoned.  For many others those juices stop flowing without warning.   Then what?   You’re stuck, frustrated and feel pressured to push on but you simply cannot write another word.  When this happens there are three main solutions I find always help me to get the juices flowing again.

  • Outdoors – Walking, driving or even jogging will get you out of the house, get your circulation flowing and help clear your mind to write fresh new material.
  • Music – Listening to music will boost your mental energy, give you change of pace or be used to shut out distracting noises.
  • Interaction – Stepping away from your pen or computer will allow you to stretch, take your eyes of the paper or screen and possible give you the ideas you couldn’t find staring at the pen or monitor.

There is something to be said for fresh air and the great outdoors.  I’m not telling you to go hiking in the middle of your writing session (unless it will help).  What I am suggesting is getting out of the house where you can take deep breaths and clear your mind.  Exercise is a great stress reliever.  Walking around your neighborhood will keep you close to home in case the creative juice start to flow and you need to get back to the computer quickly.  I’ve noticed during my own writing experiences that when I take a break and actually leave the house, I feel more optimistic and encouraged.  Leaving your home to walk, drive or jog will produce numerous benefits to you.

Almost everyone knows that music has a powerful effect on emotions.  If you find yourself mentally drained, consider playing music during a break or during your writing session.  As way of writing during emotional scenes in my book I would listen to music that was fitting for that particular moment.  If one of my characters was sad or depressed I would play music that saddened or depressed me.  When it was time to write about a romantic rendezvous I listened to songs that made me feel romantic.  Another way to use music to cure writer’s block is to play classical music while writing.  Why classical music?  Because it is said to have the most positive stimulation for the brain when compared to other genres.

Sometimes taking time off from writing to interact with your family, friends or even strangers is a refreshing way to break the writer’s block curse.  Do you live near a park, a beach or even anything remotely resembling nature?  If yes, take 30-60 minutes to socialize with strangers.  You would be amazed at the motivation or ideas that can come from interacting with strangers.  If you don’t want to leave your fortress, step away from the computer and just spend time with your family or roommate.  The change of pace will help your eyes readjust, allow you to stretch, take your mind off the writing and allow you to return to the computer rejuvenated.

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