Self Employment Idea – High Profits And Zero Investment

Aug 17


Steve Barker

Steve Barker

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With the current economic troubles growing by the day and many people realizing that their once secure job no longer is, it's not surprising that the idea of becoming self employed appeals. One problem normally would be start-up capital but with internet businesses that can be reduced – to zero.


Raising the actual capital to start a traditional business has always been a problem. You just have to invest so much of your own and sometimes borrowed money and you run the risk of losing it should you chose a business that turns out to be a real lemon.

I learned the hard way many years ago with a traditional business venture that turned sour and I can still taste it! All my efforts couldn't turn it to profit and eventually I had to pull the plug on the whole thing and lost a lot of money.

In the end though,Self Employment Idea – High Profits And Zero Investment Articles it was worth it since I moved on to starting several online ventures and they have been much more successful. The best thing is that your only real investment is your own time and effort. Should you ever find that you're sucking on that lemon, you can just spit it out without any financial loss and move on.

I now spend a large part of my time in the affiliate marketing business. That just means I sell other peoples stuff and get a commission. It's a simple idea but it took me quite some time to figure out the best ways to go about it before I was successful. That really is the secret of internet marketing. The know-how.

Many affiliate marketers do spend huge amounts of money every month trying to drum up interest in their websites and hopefully make sales but for the beginner, spending money is the quickest road to total failure there is.

Take the text adverts seen on Google and many websites. These cost the advertisers money every time someone clicks on them regardless if a sale is made. If you get it wrong you can be out of pocket by a considerable amount with no income. That is a very depressing situation to be in.

For someone starting out the best methods are the free methods. So how do you keep your costs to zero when running an affiliate business? There are many ways one of which is to write articles like this one. If you spend some time giving information about a topic or product you can link to your website and hopefully make a sale.

There are many sites on web where you can create your own websites free of charge and of course you can set up your own blog to promote products. Using YouTube and similar sites have also been used by affiliate marketers to great success.

The know-how is the real secret to affiliate marketing but I'd actually be a little more precise as say it's the fine details that make the difference between a successful marketing campaign and a great one. Having the basics gets you up and running but the little tweaks here and there make a world of difference.