The Evolution of Intelligent Transportation Systems

May 30


jodie mht

jodie mht

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Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) have revolutionized urban mobility, enhancing public travel convenience and safety through real-time control. Since the 1990s, Jinan City has been at the forefront of this transformation, culminating in the establishment of the "Summit"—the central hub for traffic information management and dispatch. This article delves into the intricate workings of Jinan's ITS, its impact on alleviating urban congestion, and the future of smart transportation.



Jinan City has been pioneering intelligent transportation systems since the 1990s,The Evolution of Intelligent Transportation Systems Articles culminating in the creation of the "Summit"—a central hub for traffic information management. This system integrates various technologies like GPS, GIS, and 3G to provide real-time traffic data, significantly improving urban mobility and safety. This article explores the components, benefits, and future prospects of Jinan's ITS, offering a comprehensive look at how smart transportation is reshaping urban life.

The Core of Jinan's Intelligent Transportation System

The "Summit" Dispatch Center

The "Summit" serves as the nerve center for Jinan's traffic management. Upon entering the dispatch center, one is greeted by a massive electronic screen displaying detailed traffic information. This screen, akin to a cinema display, provides a comprehensive view of Jinan's traffic arteries. The electronic map at the center of the screen can be zoomed in and out with a simple mouse scroll, revealing richer layers of information. The integration of GPS, GIS, and 3G systems allows for real-time monitoring of taxis, buses, and other road vehicles.

Integration of Multiple Systems

According to Deputy Director Yang Yong, the dispatch center integrates various departmental systems, including traffic administration, highways, public transportation, and rental services. The center has access to eight business management systems and three government systems, along with six GPS safety supervision and 3G video surveillance systems. This multi-layered integration ensures a seamless flow of information, enhancing the efficiency of traffic management.

Addressing Urban Congestion

Real-Time Monitoring and Data Analysis

Surveillance cameras strategically placed in congested areas provide real-time data to the traffic police department. During peak hours, the saturation levels in some urban sections can reach between 1.2 and 1.5, indicating severe congestion. According to experts, a saturation level above 1.0 can easily lead to traffic gridlock. The primary issue lies in the inefficiency of the fast road network within and outside the main urban areas.

Intelligent Guidance Systems

To mitigate congestion, Jinan's ITS employs intelligent guidance systems. These systems are managed from the city's highway network management and emergency command center, along with eight sub-centers and two highway management station monitoring rooms. Video surveillance nodes are set up at key city entrances and important sections, providing 24-hour supervision. These devices collect real-time traffic information and upload it to 14 traffic information boards, guiding vehicles efficiently out of the city.

Enhancing Public Transportation

Bus Priority Measures

Jinan City has prioritized public transportation as a key measure to alleviate congestion. The Jinan City Public Transport Company operates 196 bus lines, deploying over 4,000 buses daily and serving 2.4 million passengers. The city has also introduced six Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) lines, covering a total length of 76 kilometers. Although these BRT lines account for only 3% of the city's public transport capacity, they handle 10% of the transport patronage, showcasing their efficiency.

Future Prospects

The future of intelligent transportation in Jinan looks promising. With continuous advancements in technology, the city aims to further integrate artificial intelligence and machine learning into its ITS. This will enable more accurate traffic predictions and better resource allocation, ultimately leading to a smoother and safer urban mobility experience.

Interesting Stats

  • Global ITS Market: The global intelligent transportation system market is expected to reach $63.66 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 10.5% from 2019 to 2026 (source).
  • Traffic Congestion Costs: Traffic congestion costs the U.S. economy nearly $87 billion annually, with the average driver spending 97 hours in traffic jams (source).
  • BRT Efficiency: BRT systems can carry up to 45,000 passengers per hour per direction, significantly reducing travel time and congestion (source).


Jinan's intelligent transportation system is a testament to the transformative power of technology in urban mobility. By integrating various systems and employing real-time data analysis, the city has significantly improved traffic management and public transportation. As technology continues to evolve, the future of intelligent transportation in Jinan and beyond looks brighter than ever.

This article provides a comprehensive overview of Jinan's intelligent transportation system, highlighting its components, benefits, and future prospects. For more information on global ITS trends, visit Allied Market Research and INRIX.