Bringing Advanced Technology to Mobile Internet and Industry Users

May 30


jodie mht

jodie mht

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The latest upgrade to the Germany Maps Enterprise Edition is set to revolutionize how various industries and mobile internet users interact with maps. This new version not only supports the creation of personalized maps but also offers a comprehensive map content management system tailored for industrial applications.


The upgraded Germany Maps Enterprise Edition introduces a robust map content management system designed for industrial users,Bringing Advanced Technology to Mobile Internet and Industry Users Articles enabling personalized map creation and real-time vehicle monitoring. This upgrade promises to enhance logistics, reduce costs, and improve efficiency across various sectors, including transportation, finance, and public services.

Enhanced Map Content Management System

The new version of the Germany Maps Enterprise Edition focuses on optimizing the map content management system, a crucial component of the MapABC map service platform. This system manages basic points of interest (POI data), user data (including points, lines, and surfaces), and map slices. It is designed to cater to a wide range of industries, including:

  • Internet
  • Electricity
  • Water
  • Tobacco
  • Transportation
  • Finance

Key Features

  1. Data Management: Users can manage and display a variety of data types, including custom data maps.
  2. DIY Maps: Users can create personalized maps by choosing data charts and text styles to meet their specific needs.
  3. Real-Time Monitoring: Supports GPS industry users with real-time vehicle monitoring and mobile terminal animations, providing accurate speed and direction data.

Case Study: Jilin Tobacco Logistics

Jilin Tobacco has leveraged the MapABC map service to establish a distribution vehicle monitoring and dispatching management system. This system includes:

  • Driving Directions and Location Reporting: Intelligent terminals in vehicles report driving directions and location information.
  • Logistics and Scheduling: The system issues route information and scheduling instructions, reducing logistics costs and improving distribution efficiency.


  • Cost Reduction: Streamlined logistics processes lead to significant cost savings.
  • Efficiency Improvement: Enhanced distribution efficiency and productivity.

Real-Time Traffic Information

The navigation engine integrates real-time traffic information, providing users with the most efficient routes and saving travel time. For instance, during the Shanghai World Expo, the traffic control department used the mapping service to:

  • Release Real-Time Traffic Conditions: Provided the public with up-to-date traffic information.
  • Event and Traffic Control: Offered travel information and support through service hotlines and interactive query terminals.

Comprehensive Optimization for Mobile Internet and Industry Users

The upgraded Germany Maps Enterprise Edition offers a more advanced technology platform, better quality development tools, and a broader space for innovation. It provides:

  • Professional Map Services: Enhanced map experiences for the general public.
  • Integrated GIS Solutions: Comprehensive solutions for various industries.

Performance Leap

This upgrade marks a significant leap in performance, positioning the Germany Maps Enterprise Edition as a more professional and versatile tool. It represents a strategic transformation for MapABC, setting the direction for future industry developments and leading the innovation wave in mapping technology.

Interesting Stats

  • Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Market: The GNSS market is expected to reach $146.4 billion by 2025, driven by the increasing demand for real-time data and navigation services (Source).
  • Logistics Cost Savings: Companies using advanced mapping and logistics solutions can reduce their logistics costs by up to 15% (Source).


The upgraded Germany Maps Enterprise Edition is a game-changer for mobile internet and industry users. With its advanced map content management system, real-time monitoring capabilities, and comprehensive optimization, it promises to deliver a superior map experience and drive innovation across various sectors.

For more information on the latest advancements in mapping technology, visit MapABC.

This article has been crafted to provide a detailed and unique perspective on the upgraded Germany Maps Enterprise Edition, incorporating verified data and statistics to enhance its credibility and depth.