Alertness and assertiveness, how important they are for corporate?

Feb 14




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Corporate employees must know the meaning and difference of 'alert' and 'assertive'.....


Whom the knowledge or experience or strength would favour the most,Alertness and assertiveness, how important they are for corporate? Articles an ‘alert person’ or an ‘assertive person’?  How different is the meaning of the above two terms?

The difference between the two terms viz., ‘alert’ and ‘assertive’, the corporate employees must know clearly only then they can draw strength from their knowledge instead of giving strength to their fear.  Failing which, one has to work with fear in dealing a situation despite having adequate knowledge to deal such situation. 

Most corporate employees are generally not so comfortable with their bosses.  In most meetings and group discussions, the people never used to be very expressive when their boss is around.   They fear the ego of their boss and hence prefer to be very calm and silent.   When the boss is in the scene, they will be exhibiting an ‘extra alertness’ while answering or taking part in the discussion.  In their ‘extra alertness’, they tend to make many mistakes.  

The question is whether such alertness is good or bad.  Alertness is generally very high among animals. 

Alertness has its strength and weakness.  In the animal world, alertness is aiding the strength but, in the human world, it is a sign of weakness.   The sign of weakness or strength should not be understood in isolation. 

The true definition of being alert is very vigilant and watchful of ‘what is’.   The quick ability to know and sense ‘what is’ is called alertness.   On the other hand, the response one exhibit as a consequence of such alertness is called ‘assertiveness’.   

When one become alert and not assertive, the alertness would contribute to basket only the fear and doubt and never allow one to draw strength from one’s knowledge.  More often people think that being alert is enough. Knowing ‘the real’ is not enough, but how one prepares to deal the situation alone ensures one’s success.  The knowledge and experience will support only one who is not ‘just alert’ but also ‘assertive’.  

Look at animal world.  All the animals in general and herbivores like zebra, buffalo, deer and wild beast in particular are alert.  The alertness only helps these animals to sense the danger and escape from the predator.  Although these animals are very strong, the assertiveness is not in proportion with their alertness, ‘hence’ they get scared.  Whereas, the predators, besides, being alert are also very assertive.   So they use their strength to weaken the prey.   Alertness never log onto the domain of strength or experience or knowledge or wisdom unless it has assertiveness as an attachment file.  Only assertiveness alone can download the strength, experience, knowledge and wisdom at the right time. 

If the subordinate is assertive besides being alert, he or she knows how to ‘deal’ the boss.  The boss will be naturally assertive with assertive people than just alert.   Unless you know the characteristics of different ‘pawns’ and how to move them on the board, you will never able to make a ‘check’ to your boss or win the game of chess.   Learn to be assertive while being alert. 


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