An Excellent Way to Take Your Business to the Next Level

Jul 17


Neil MacLeod

Neil MacLeod

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Statistics have proven that over ninety percent of small businesses fail within the first year. In the next five years another five percent of the businesses close down. These are alarming statistics for any one who has a small business.


All of the small businesses that have succeeded for ten years or more owe their success to advertising. Advertising is the lifeblood of the small business. When advertising a small business the business owner has to be extremely careful of what advertising venues they choose.

Many advertising venues that are unsuccessful are because the advertisements did not reach their target audience. A great way for a small business or sole trader to take their business to the next level is by participating in a show or exhibition.

Exhibitions are designed to promote small businesses and local traders. An exhibition can draw any where from a couple hundred people to thousands of people. This means that a small business can easily increase their business name or product recognition by attending an exhibition.

Exhibitions usually have numerous businesses that are all in competition for the attention of the general public. It is important,An Excellent Way to Take Your Business to the Next Level Articles when attending, an exhibition to make sure that your exhibition stand stands out from the rest. An exhibition stand contractor can give your small business an edge against the competition.

An exhibition stand contractor performs a variety of services. One of the most valuable services that an exhibition stand contractor performs is that the contractor makes sure that the business owner gets the most out of their exhibition experience.

Other services that an exhibition contractor is responsible for is pre-site and on-site project management, the installation and construction of the exhibition stand, retail design, shopfitting, showroom design and build, corporate interiors, shell scheme up-grade, furniture hire, floor covering, floral hire, large format graphics, lighting and rigging, structural steel work, modular system hire, outdoor event hire, audio visual hire and fully insured storage.

An exhibition stand contractor is dedicated to making sure that your business is not only at the exhibition but that your business is seen by the vast majority of the people in attendance at the exhibition. This type of contractor wants to see your business be a success.

Small business owners can advertise in a number of different ways. Some businesses advertise by placing an ad in a local newspaper or magazine while other businesses create a commercial that is played on a certain channel at a specific time while other businesses pay for a spot of air time on the radio. Each of these advertising methods can cost as small business hundreds of precious dollars.

Many exhibitions charge just a small participant fee. Some exhibitions may only charge a small business a twenty five dollar set up fee. An exhibition is an inexpensive way in which to advertise your small business to hundreds of people at one time. Make sure that your exhibition experience is a success by hiring an exhibition stand contractor to design your exhibition stand.

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