Personal Ads With Innuendos

Jun 9


Vittorio Norman

Vittorio Norman

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Including innuendos in your personal ad is a fun way of showing you are a sexual person, without appearing like a horn dog. It's a smart use of language which makes the reader want to take a closer look.


I've written many personal ads with innuendos in them. I remember them sounding awkward at first but as I progressed with the "language" it became much easier. Here is an example of a personal ad that combines humor and flirty undertones. "I really get into music. Imagine coming across a particular song and repeating it over and over,Personal Ads With Innuendos Articles especially if you really like it the first time. What can be better than feeling the noise. And if you're into heavy metal...something hard...and head (banging)...keeps you coming back for more." A good way to lead into the above is to start off with a normal sounding ad, explaining your likes and dislikes, including your musical tastes, but then go off on a tangent, as shown above. Sit down and experiment with different writing styles. I find it's particularly useful to come up with a theme first. The above theme is related to music obviously. But you can also choose a theme based on driving, horseback riding, or even a secret agent on an undercover mission. Read it over a few times to get a sense of the flow, maybe editing it a bit to get it sounding just the way you want. Copyright © 2007 Vittorio Norman

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